Solitary Man (2009)

Solitary Man, a movie about a car salesman who has lost everything by making some bad deals and chasing a lot of women (while being married), shows that people sometimes do not learn from their mistakes.

The car salesman, Ben Kalmen (Michael Douglas), manages to get into a new relationship, but makes a decision which has more consequences than he initially thought. He has passed the prime of his life but reluctantly tries to keep up with the youth.

This movie really reminded me of Greenberg. It’s a movie where the acting is great, but where I don’t have any connection at all with the main character. At the end of the movie this left me totally unsatisfied. Ben Kalmen is a horrible person, but this doesn’t have to be a reason to feel a connection with a character. There are lots of movies where you will feel a connection with a bad/evil character even though it ends badly for them. You get the feeling it was worth watching. I completely missed that feeling with Solitary Man. I just could not get into the subject matter and the choices Ben decides to make. So enough reason for me to give this movie such a low score.

Score: 4

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