The Social Network (2010)

When I read the first news about The Social Network, my first reaction was one of dislike. I really wasn’t looking forward to a movie about Facebook. So I didn’t pay attention any news about it at all until the reviews came pouring in on Twitter. They were all so positive about the film that I decided to give it a chance and I was pleasantly surprised by it.

Had I looked at the director I would have probably known sooner that this movie could be worth watching. David Fincher has already made some amazing movies like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club, The Game and Se7en. He has managed to tell the story about the creation of Facebook in such a captivating way. I was on the edge of my seat and couldn’t wait to find out what would be next thing that was going to happen.

Jesse Eisenberg is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and programmer of Facebook. Eisenberg portrays him in such an impressive way that he completely disappear in the character. It’s clear that Zukerberg is a genius, but does have some issues with talking to other people in a normal way. A good example is the fact that just blogs about the feeling about a girl and the short time it takes him to create enemies and being taken to court. The story is told mostly through hearings before the actual court case with lots of flashbacks. This is done in such a way that you really have no idea what is going to happen in the court case and slowly the details emerge.

Besides Eisenberg the rest of the cast impresses as well. Justin Timberlake plays the role of Sean Parker (inventor of Napster, who also ended with Facebook for a while) with lots of confidence. Even if you don’t belong to the group of 500 million people who use Facebook or hate social networking the movie is still worth watching.
It’s a story about success, friendship and doing business. It’s been done in an exquisite way and you would almost spontaneously create a Facebook account just to see what Zuckerberg has created and why it has become so popular. A movie you shouldn’t miss!

And of course My Filmviews can also be found on Facebook 😉

Score: 9

13 thoughts on “The Social Network (2010)

  1. Pingback: Zombieland (2009) « My Filmviews

    • Well, I don’t agree. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing it and was expecting the worst, but it really captivated me, which surprised me. I thought it was very well executed, especially considering the story.

      • While I respect your opinion and the fact that you enjoyed the film, I just feel like this is more of the same thing from Hollywood. I personally expect the next major tech related film in the money machine to be one about Microsoft or Apple Computer after Steve Jobs passes away or a movie about the ipod, rather than one about Kevin Mitnick or the team that actually coded the early internet …

        While these are all things that have changed life as we know it, the stories behind these events are rarely if ever as interesting or dramatic as the motion picture industry portrays them.

        For the record, I am quite a David Fincher fan, but I just felt like this was a roll through the paces to keep cashflow rolling along.

  2. I see what you are saying about that, but in the end the movie will be more dramatic as else nobody would see it. I think there already other movies about the tech industry that weren’t on anyone’s radar. So it’s an understandable choice.

  3. Pingback: The Social Network | 2blu2btru's Reviews

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