Life in a Day (2011)

Just imagine that you would be able to experience everything which happens to people all around the world in a single day, what would be the impression you would get? Youtube answers this question together with Ridley Scott, Kevin MacDonald and Joe Walker. Last year they asked Youtube users to send in any video which was made on the 24th of July 2010. They received an overwhelming 4500 hours of footage and managed to cut this down to a one and a half hour film. Does Life in a Day manage to paint a stunning picture of humankind or is this movie comparable to Mr.Brainwash’s Life Remote Control in Exit Through the Gift Shop?

Life in a Day shows images that were made all around the world. These are usually grouped around a specific subject (for example getting up in the morning, lunch, love, new life, war) and are intercut with longer pieces where you get to see more of the life of a specific person. A few examples: There is a single father who wakes his son and asks him to help him in a ritual to remember his mother who passed away. There is a part on a little kid who shines shoes, some goat herders, a Korean man who has been cycling around the world for years hoping that Korea will one day return to being one country and a father who learns his son how to shave.

Youtube also asked a couple of questions the users could answer. Interesting about this is that the same question has a different meaning in different countries. When you ask what people are afraid of you get a different answer in America compared to asking this question in Afghanistan.

While you are watching this you will be overloaded by lots of footage from a lot of people, but Life in a Day manages to present it in a captivating and interesting way that will fascinate you during its running time. Despite the quality of some of the footage (although most of it seems to be shot in HD) the thing which you will notice is the emotion and beauty in all of the pieces.

Life in a Day shows the world, its people, their daily routine and worries and the special moments. It’s an impressive documentary which shows what it means to be one thing…human.

Score: 9


8 thoughts on “Life in a Day (2011)

  1. I love the look of this. It feels (and this is just from the trailer) heart warming and beautiful. I am looking forward to catching it somewhere, some when.

    Thanks Nostra, brilliant!!

  2. Yes, agree completely. I found it to be such a beautiful film. I can’t wait til its out on general release and I can see it again! Wonderful review 🙂

  3. It has a lot of those moments that you will remember and I think everyone will have the personal favorite ones. The shaving bit is one I remember vividly as well, just like the guy feinting during the birth of his kid…

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