The Monday Question: Revisit!

Welcome to another week that gets us closer to the Christmas festivities! Hope you all had a great weekend. As a movie fan you probably have quite an extensive DVD/Blu-Ray collection. It’s been a while since I counted mine, but I probably have a couple of hundred DVDs. It’s a collection which is constantly growing (although not as quick as it used to anymore, but more on that in another post). When it comes to watching movies I usually watch movies I’ve never seen before and this made me wonder about how much movies I rewatch. This week’s question:
How many movies out of your collection will you rewatch?

If I look at the movies I saw this year there are only 9 movies I rewatched and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was as little as that last year as well. Which really made me wonder why I keep buying DVDs. It’s not that I’m not interesting in rewatching a lot of the movies I own, but when choosing between a new experience and something familiar I rather want to see something I haven’t yet.

How many movies out of your collection will you rewatch?

20 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Revisit!

  1. I am a HUGE advocate of rewatching films. About 75% of all the films I have ever watched, I’ve watched at least twice. I have seen every movie I own numerous times.

    • Having read your blog for a while now that doesn’t come as a surprise. I really want to spend some time going through my DVD collection, but I just don’t get around to it.

    • Yeah, I could understand that move. I would like to rewatch LOTR, but want to do so with the family and am currently waiting till the kids are a bit older.

  2. Hi, Nostra and company:

    Interesting question for a Monday,

    I get into moods and have re-watched quite a few films in my collection. Some I watch to find something new or that I’ve missed, ‘Citizen Kane’ and ‘The Big Lebowski’ are big in that arena.

    Others I watch just to enjoy and marvel at the techniques used.’The Big Combo’ and ‘Kiss of Death’ and ‘Miller’s Crossing’ rate high.

    A few I return to to revel in their dialogue. Any early Mamet will do. Along with Lubitsch, the Coen brothers, Hawks and Ford.

    • I usually watch movies for my enjoyment and don’t get much out of looking at specific techniques. Have seen a big part of the movies you mention, they are good.

  3. of the DVDs I have, probably most of them, but not every single one, like I’ve seen The Naked Gun so many times that I don’t think I could rewatch it again, despite my immense love for it

  4. I’m with Russ, I only really re-watch my favourites. Around this time of year a select few always get rewatched – The Muppets Christmas Carol, Elf, The Nightmare Before Christmas…

    The LOTR trilogy I watch every year. I take a day out and watch them all in one go! You probably expected me to say that, though 😛

    I’ve just noticed how close you are to your goal of 200 films out of IMDb’s top 250 – you’re so very nearly there!

    • Maybe if I had a month off I would rewatch some of my favorite movies, but that won’t be happening anytime soon.

      Not surprised by you naming the LOTR trilogy. That’s a lot of watching in one day. I assume you watch the extended versions?

      Yeah, I’m so close. It actually was on 199, but then the list changed. I now started watching The Best Years of Our Lives and will probably watch another one before the end of the year.

  5. A huge chunk of my film library’s digitized, and those are usually ones that I watch one time, plus the occasional revisit when I have friends over and I find out they haven’t seen this movie or that one.

    But the movies I absolutely love to watch over and over, those are the ones that get into my physical DVD library. The Godfather Trilogy, The LOTR Trilogy, Singin’ in the Rain, Brazil, are some of the movies I don’t mind watching again every year or so. There are times, wherein I’ve seen a movie 3-4 times within the span of a week, (largely due to watching one movie with different sets of people) but after that, I rarely go back unless I really love the film.

    Anyway, I recently stumbled upon this blog, and I have to say it’s a lot of fun reading on my part. Keep on keeping on!

    • Wow, watching a movie 3-4 times in a week is a lot. You really must love those movies!

      Singin in the Rain is a great movie which I only watched for the first time recently. and saw it again pretty soon afterward.

      Welcome to the blog and I’m planning to keep going, so no worries there! Nice to hear you are enjoying it.

  6. I was just talking about this with a friend of mine!! i do rarely re-watch the majority of my movies but I buy them because I like all of the special features that you can’t get from any streaming service.

    I also buy movies so that one day I can convince myself that I don’t need to keep paying for cable television because I have enough to keep me occupied. My brain tends to disagree! haha

    • Great mind think alike 😉 Personally I don’t watch as much special features as I used to, unless it’s a movie I’m really interested in.

      Hahaha. If it was up to me I’d cancel my cable subscription. The rest of the family wouldn’t agree though 😉

  7. Y’know, I have to admit there are some movies I own that I haven’t in a while but I want to rewatch the LOTR trilogy, Gladiator and a few others. I know for sure all my Gregory Peck collection I just got will get PLENTY of replay throughout the year 😀

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