The Monday Question: Resolutions!

Happy new year everyone! Hope you had a great time celebrating the start of the new year. A lot of people usually make resolutions for the new year (and not everyone manages to reach them). Today’s question:
What are your movie related resolutions for the new year?

I’m someone who isn’t big on resolutions, but when it comes to movies I’ll try the following ones:

Try to see more movies at the cinema
Last year I didn’t see some movies on the big screen, although I would have liked it. This is one I will start today as I will take the kids out to see a movie.

Having seen at least 225 movies out of the IMDB top 250
I was short on my goal of 200 for the past year, so for this year I’ll set it to 225. It should be reachable

Write more movie related articles
I write quite a lot of reviews, but would like to add some more articles.

What are your movie related resolutions for the new year?

18 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Resolutions!

  1. My movie count for last year was woeful, so I’m mainly focusing on trying to improving that, but writing more articles as well as reviews. Some good resolutions there 🙂

  2. I intend to see a lot more in the cinema. I also intend to get involved even greater with film projects in my area. Local film groups, movie casting calls, etc. (Great experiences from last year). And another resolution: to get to an IMAX somewhere to see a few movies. (None are anywhere near me).

    (Maybe moving somewhere else should be a movie-related resolution for me! haha, moving to a different area of the country where they show more films!)

    • Sounds like some interesting resolutions. I don’t think there are real IMAX theaters in my country (there used to be a real one, but it got closed down, the smaller IMAX screens are just not the same).

      Wow, moving just so you would be able to see more movies would be a very big one 😉

  3. Hmmm, I hadn’t really thought about resolutions… one of them is to read more as I got a Kindle for Christmas and I’ve already started doing that. Cinematic-wise, well I hope to see more indie/classic movies to balance all the blockbuster stuff.

    Well done on your IMDB top 250 effort, Nostra!

    • When I got my iPad I shortly read a bit more, but that dwindled down again. I started reading the book the movie Straw Dogs is based on…but still have to continue with that.

      Hope you manage to get that balance!

  4. Nice cinematic resolutions for the new year Nostra! For me:
    – I will try to review more movies
    – Get a new TV and blu-ray player… need to get on with the times
    – Watch more classics

  5. Hmm… I think mine are to watch more classics, which should be achievable now I am a member of the LOVEFiLM rental company and to go to the cinema more as there were so many I missed out on seeing last year.

    My non-film related ones are to read more – I’m aiming for one book a month – and to cook more. My boyfriend does all the cooking in our house but I have so many cook books and love watching cookery shows that I want to get into it a bit more.

    • Some great resolutions!

      I’m with you on the cooking. I do cook a lot, but just love to try new recipes, which I haven’t done in a while. I usually use BBC’s Good Food site a lot, it has so many great recipes.

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