The Monday Question: Movietalk!

If you love movies you also usually like talking about it or knowing the opinion of someone else (otherwise you wouldn’t be visiting My Filmviews). I am exactly the same and one of the great ways to hear more about movies is to check out some podcasts. There are a couple of them which get me trhough my working week. So this week’s question is:
What are your favorite podcasts?

One of my favorites from one of my favorite movie news sites. This one has been going for a long time and I love the fact that they keep it all spoilerfree.

Film Junk Podcast
This is a highly enjoyable one to listen to. There are always discussions about stuff that has nothing to do with movies, but these guys make it entertaining. I don’t always agree with their opinions about movies, but it’s a great way to spend a couple of hours.

Hollywood Babble-On
Now this one is not a show you want to listen to with people who are easily offended as the language that is used here will be shocking to some (so NSFW). I think Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman are very funny though and they give their own spin on the latest entertainment news.

Operation Kino Podcast
A lot more serious than the previous podcast, but the crew here always have interesting discussions.

The above ones are the ones I listen to weekly. The following ones I listen to depending on their subject:

Not just new movies Podcast
These guys review older movies as well, which is sometimes interesting if I just have seen one.

How Did This Get Made Podcast
Now this podcast concentrates only on bad blockbuster movies and wonder how they got made. They discuss ridiculous things that happen in the movie they are discussing and makes for a very entertaining listen.

These podcasts I have only discovered recently, so I can’t say to much about them yet except that they are worth checking out:

Battleship Pretension Podcast

The Golden Briefcase Podcast

What are your favorite podcasts?

11 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Movietalk!

      • I’m not a huge fan of podcasts either, sorry Nostra. I have listened to some of them but I don’t go out of my way to seek ’em out. I kind of prefer reading stuff, I know it’s odd, maybe one day I’ll get in to ’em more.

  1. Wow, that’s a big question because I listen to a ton of podcasts. I’ll stick with film podcasts for the sake of this comment. My tastes generally go towards film fans that aren’t as slick, but it varies depending on the show.

    Filmspotting is great and arguably the most professional of the group (while still being passionate). Film Junk is hilarious, and I love their very long shows. Battleship Pretension also has great conversations, though the quality of their guest comedians can vary widely. Sound on Sight also does an excellent podcast. Left Field Cinema can be good at times depending on the topic.

    I also listen to a nice group of smaller podcasts from enthusiastic film lovers, some associated with the Lamb. Along with the Lambcast (where I’ve appeared), I enjoy Reel Insight, Frankly My Dear, the Demented Podcast, Invasion of the B Movies, Lee and Dan’s Midnight Movie Club, Film Yarn, and the MILFcast.

    I’m sure that I’ve forgotten some other podcasts that I regularly check out, but this is the basic group.

  2. Unfortunately, I’m with Scott, I’ve never listened to any. There are many that I’ve heard of – many that Dan has listed – so I think I’ll set aside part of my weekend, find the links and give them a listen 🙂

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