The Monday Question: Mixup!

It’s Monday again and you know what that means, time for a new Monday Question. Now when it comes to movies there is one thing you need to be able to talk about it. Its title. But if you are like me you might sometimes associate a movie name with a whole other movie, resulting in some strange conversations. This week’s question: Do you ever mixup movies/movie names?

It is something which has happened to me a couple of times, but the most interesting mixup was actually a situation in which the title was right, but where we didn’t know that there were more movies with the same name. A friend of mine was really excited about seeing Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and he had bought the DVD of it. I hadn’t heard of the movie at the time, so didn’t know anything about it. The movie turned out not to be so great. Later I found out it was not the movie starring Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr.

I also make the wrong association when I hear the title Sleepers. In my mind I always think of Flatliners. Completely different movie, so I can’t explain how I ever made that connection.

Last year I regularly mixed up Green Hornet and Green Lantern.

Do you ever mixup movies/movie names?

22 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Mixup!

  1. Many names I mixed up- Carey Mulligan and Michelle Williams being my top one of all times- always mix them up, especially this year.
    When it comes to movies, I had the same problem with Green Hornet and Green Lantern.
    I won’t even talk about films that only differers by mere “the” like FInal Destination and The Final Destination (foreigner’s nightmare).
    And there there are new Nicolas Cage movies- because they all seem to be about the same thing, I dont even remember which one is Seeking Justice and which one is Trespass- they seem the same.
    Nice website! I shall keep an eye on it

    • I always mix up Carey Mulligan and Michelle Williams too! I used to have the same problem with Clive Owen and John Cusack as well, but not anymore. I can’t think of something like that but with movie titles. It probably happened to me many times, but I can’t remember 😛

    • I don’t recognise Carey Mulligan (had to look up who she was), so I never have mixed Michelle Williams up with anyone 😉

      There are probably more movies with similar titles that cause lots of confusion, which sometimes the cheap straight to DVD movies count on.

      Thanks Amelie, hope to see you around more often.

  2. I used to confuse In the Mood For Love and Lust Caution a lot before I had seen either. Now, not so much.

    Rumble Fish and The Fisher King used to have their titles jumbled together in my mind. Again, this has stopped now that I’ve seen one of them.

    Due to their similar subject matter, I tend to be slightly confused about which is which when it comes to Thumbsucker and Rocket Science too. I saw them for the first time not too far apart, which probably has something to do with it.

    • I must admit that except for The Fisher King I know none of these movies (should I be ashamed about that?). Happy to see it’s not me getting older that’s causing this and that more people experience it 😉

    • Both movies I never plan on seeing, but I can understand they are the same to you, they seem very similar.

      Doesn’t seem to matter much that you mix up the gangster movies you mention as they are all great 😉

  3. hehe Nice thoughts Nostra…

    My only problem comes when trying to name a film, or actor in a film… I go totally blank….

    ‘you know the guy with the hair in that film about the bank….’

    You get my drift

  4. That’s so funny, just the other day I was telling my wife how I always used to mix up Flatliners and, wait for it… Tremors! Not even vaguely the same kind of film, I’m really not sure what I was thinking, the only connection would be Kevin Bacon (no surprise there!).

  5. Hi, Nostra and company:

    For many, many years it was close to impossible for me to confuse one film with another. Recently, not so much. Due somewhat to the preponderance of sequels, prequels and ‘Director Cuts’ that Hollywood cranks out with blissful glee.

    Along with a plethora of interchangeable romantic comedies and action films. Which makes it oh, so much simpler for an agent, director or producer to pitch. Without consideration for an intelligent audience that seeks something new, enjoyable and worthy of the price of an admission ticket.

    • Hahaha, I know how you feel about romantic comedies during the last couple of years, so no surprise there Jack! Luckily there are still enough movies every year worth checking out though, or do you think differently about that?

  6. In this day an age of remakes, this so called mix-up is just going to happen more often. I can’t think of anything new, but Green Lantern/Hornet are ones I mix up. But, it’s a good conversation article. I usually make sure, when talking to people, that I mention the actors of the movie just to be clear we are on the same page.

  7. I personally don’t mix up movies and names. It could happen once or twice but I can’t recall an example. However, there’s an interesting thing that a person I know always gets wrong whether it’s Nicole Kidman or Naomi Watts on screen. I find it funny but I also can get it for they kind of look similar sometimes.

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