The Monday Question: Tears!

I think we all watch movies to be entertained and/or lose ourselves in another world, when and wherever it may be set. We want to be moved by them. When a movie actually manages to do this in a profound way we appreciate it and recognise those movies as classics. Today I want to focus on one of those emotions, the one that makes tears come from your eyes. Of course this can be because a movie is funny, sad or just wowed you. Today’s Monday Question: What’s the last movie that made tears well up in your eyes?

Before I’m answering this I’m just wondering how many men reading this are going to answer or just skip this week’s question.

For me the last one I can remember being so moved by that it almost made me cry was Black Swan. For those who have been visiting this site for a longer while will know that it’s my favorite movie and this happened the second time I saw it, right at the end when Natalie Portman says ” I was perfect”, which exactly summarises the feeling I have for this movie.

The last time I really cried about a movie is when I was a kid and saw E.T. for the first time. I won’t even need to explain which part it is if you’ve seen it.

What’s the last movie that made tears well up in your eyes?

25 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Tears!

  1. Well here goes… Last one that made me well up was Warrior. Pretty much any scene with Nick Nolte. I found Monster with Charlize Theron hideously sad. But then again I’ve also been known to lose it to Titanic and Armageddon. Edward Scissorhands was the first one to make me cry in a cinema.

    • Warrior had my adrenaline going, the Nick Nolte stuff was good, but didn’t have the same reaction myself though. Still have to see Monster. Great choices!

  2. There might have been films during my childhood that made me cry, but if there were, I don’t remember any of them. The only movie I can remember ever shedding a tear too – and as a grown-up – is Grave of the Fireflies, towards the end. That movie is a wrecking ball to the heart.

    Then there are movies where I might not have cried to, but which at least managed to produce a bit of a lump in the throat. Lars and the Real Girl, Bridge to Terabithia, Cast Away (WILSON!), Marley & Me… There have been a few.

    • Ooh yeah, Grave of the Fireflies is a very touching movie and it moved me as well!

      I do have lots of movies that produce a lump in my throat. I guess I don’t cry as quickly…

  3. Dude, I am not the best to answer this as I cry at pretty much everything. I am an emotional mess…

    Last film I really blubbed at though was A Better World… it was the Father thing again.

    And Blue Valentine got me BIG TIME!!

    I remember only crying my eyes out the first 6 times I saw ET as a child!

  4. I don’t tend to cry in movies, but my eyes do water-up. The last time was last night at a screening of “Starbuck” which is a Canadian comedy. Long story short the lead character discovers he has a mentally handicapped son and visits him in the hospital and spends the day with him. Later in the film he takes him to enjoy a day outdoors with an extended family reunion. Both times my eyes watered.

    The last mainstream film I watered-up at was probably at the beginning of “Up” during the prelude of Carl’s life with Ellie.

  5. I’m sure I cried during ET, but that was a long time ago. Otherwise it wasn’t a movie per se that made me cry but the TV adaptation of Anne Frank’s Diary starring Ben Kingsley. I’d read the book before, and of course that just ends when Anne is captured; but the film goes on to show the horrors of the concentration camp and I just lost it.

    More recently I got a lump in my throat when watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother! I’m really not that emotional, honest!

    • Anne Frank’s story is a very sad one. I think I might have seen that adaptation a while ago as well.

      Don’t watch too much television, so I don’t know anything about How I Met Your Mother…

  6. I’m in the same boat as Scott – I blubber at pretty much everything! It can be happy or sad, but I’ll be crying. I think the first film I ever cried during was Short Circuit 2. Think I was only about 7 at the time, but it got the water works going.

    The last film I saw that made me cry was Senna. Second time viewing, but it still packs such a huge emotional punch, the tears just roll down.

    There’s very few films I haven’t cried in!

    • Short Circuit 2, now that’s a movie series I totally forgot about. I can’t remember anything about it except for the robot (right?).

      Senna is a movie with a punch, it’s always sad to see talented people lose their lives so sudden.

      So it’s standard practise for you to have something with you to wipe your tears away and wear some waterproof makeup?

  7. I’d have to say it was Yimou Zhang’s ‘The Flowers of War’ (‘Jin líng shí san chai’ original title). I’m in the middle of ‘Senna’ and I think it’s going to hit me when I’m done. Thanks Nostra.

    • Haven’t seen The Flowers of War, but have heard that it is a movie that has some very gruesome things in it.

      I’m sure Senna will have impact on you.

  8. Oh easy, I just saw SENNA last night and was crying so hard when I saw the accident footage again, even though I had seen it before. I’m quite a crier, I mean I was practically bawling watching Wall*E! 🙂

  9. Well, at times movie that made me cry means that it’s a great movie. But not in a corny way. Like Warrior. Dead Poets Society. Shawshank Redemption. And, oh, Up!

  10. It makes me feel like an asshole sometimes, but I never cry during movies. 50/50 is the closest I have come to doing so, as I was fighting back some tears during the cancer treatment/surgery bits.

  11. I cry at quite a few films easily, but these tend to be Pixar films: Up and WALL-E especially! I think the last film I saw that made me cry was War Horse though. Even though I wasn’t the best film, and it was a bit emotionally manupulative, the ending really got me going!

    • Yeah, that was very manipulative, so much so that I refused to feel anything because I felt like I could watch behind the scenes and hear Spielberg saying “And…..emotion!”

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