The 6th Day (2000)

The 6th Day review

A while ago I really felt like revisiting Schwarzeneggers Last Action Hero. I ordered the DVD and it came with another movie of his, The 6th Day. Having seen it now I’m still not completely sure if I had seen it before, but if I had I had forgotten almost all of it.

Now this is a movie set in the near future (according to the extras 2015) where technology, specifically related to cloning has been developed to a point where it is possible to clone your pets including their memories, making them identical to your old pet. Experiments were done to clone humans, but when something went wrong a law was passed making cloning them illegal. Of course it would be a very boring movie if that was it. Turns out that some evil company did clone humans secretly and Schwarzenegger’s character, Adam Gibson, finds out personally when he sees his own clone in his house. He has to find out what exactly is going on and what he can do to make sure everything is returned to normal.

The 6th Day

As this is a Schwarzenegger movie you’d expect lots of action and of course you would be right. It has shootouts, car chases and the expected one liners. In between all the action though I thought that it handled the issues of cloning, both practical and ethically, in a great way and for me that raised my enjoyment of it. The world created for this movie didn’t feel too out there with lots of things I could see appearing in my lifetime. One thing I hope I will never see is this doll Schwarnegger’s character buys for his daughter as I probably would be afraid to go to bed. It looked really creepy.
The 6th Day is an enjoyable futuristic action movie and if you are a fan of the Austrian bodybuilder you really can’t go wrong with checking it out, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Score: 8

4 thoughts on “The 6th Day (2000)

  1. Glad to see some love thrown in Arnold’s way. He’s probably my biggest guilty pleasure. I have probably seen all of his films.

    In any case, the 6th Day is one of my least favorite ones, especially because it lacks the pure entertainment value that usually came attached to any film he signed up to. I thought the whole evil company concept was a bit too silly for my concept, and so were the constant deaths of the evil counterparts. I felt the film was a bit too confused on whether to go on the silly direction or the serious way.

    In any case, glad to see a review of 6th Day around. If you decide to actually revisit Last Action Hero let me know.

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