Small Roles… Big Performances blogathon

Ruth from Flixchatter has started a new blogathon and I felt compelled to join her in this one. The idea of this blogathon in her words is:

to shine a spotlight on the ‘unsung heroes’ if you will, the overlooked performers who add so much richness/entertainment value to the film no matter how brief their appearance is, but yet they don’t get the credit they so deserve

Now I have to admit that I had a hard time coming up with someone and it took me a while before I remembered two performances, one from Olivia Thirlby in 2009’s New York, I Love You and the other one by Billy Crystal in The Princess Bride

As it’s a movie with a couple of seperate stories, you might argue that it’s not a small role as she does appear in most of the segment, but somehow it stayed with me. I loved the segment for the way it plays with expectations and Thirlby plays with those expectations in an interesting way. I managed to find the segment on Youtube for your enjoyment.


Since I saw Princess Bride for the first time last year I’ve already seen it several times. The kids love the movie and so do I. I especially look forward to the scene in which Billy Crystal plays the wizard who attempts to revive Westley. Even though you realize quickly it is him, it’s a funny cameo which I thoroughly enjoy each time.

You can find other entries in the blogathon on Flixchatter.

Which are your favorite small roles with a big performance?

26 thoughts on “Small Roles… Big Performances blogathon

  1. Watched the clip. A good performance, although i don’t think it amazed me like it did with you. Haven’t see Princess Bride.

    And i posted my choice, which is Deborah Ann Woll in the Mothers Day remake.

  2. I LOVE Oliva Thirlby… definitely a young actress who is not talked about enough. And while I wasn’t the biggest fan of New York, I Love You, I definitely enjoyed seeing her in it.

    Two great picks here!

  3. I just learned about Olivia Thirlby from the DREDD trailer. Glad to see her being highlighted here Nostra, sounds like she’s a versatile actress. Thanks for taking part in the blogathon!

  4. Great choice with Billy Crystal. Damn near stole the spotlight when he was onscreen.

    Olivia Thirlby was one of the good things about that film, which I really didn’t enjoy all that much. She had some life to her!

    • Haven’t got the feeling that it’s a movie that should be high on your to watch list, so that’s no problem. Crystal really stood out though. Thanks Eric.

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