The Monday Question: Improve!

Another Monday, another question. This time it’s not really about the movies, but the way we as bloggers talk about it on our blogs. I’ve been doing this for over two years and still enjoy it a lot. I love seeing new comments and discovering new blogs. When it comes to my own blog I’m always looking for ways to improve it and I’m never completely statisfied, always trying to think of new content and other things I could make better.

This week’s question:
If you had all the time in the world, what would you change to your blog to improve it?

I’ve already used two different themes and always try to tweak the look of it and I must admit I’m still regularly inspired by the look of other blogs, which drive me to look at improvements. This weekend I thought I made the decision to start learning more about graphical design. I’ve found some great documents online I’ll be slowly working my way through to give my blog an even better look.

If I had all the time in the world I’d probably also would opt for a self hosted blog as it allows way more freedom with cool plugins and custom code. I’d also most likely spend even more time on writing, something I’m just not able to do because I want to make sure I spend enough time with my family.

If you had all the time in the world, what would you change to your blog to improve it?

45 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Improve!

    • I’m someone who can enjoy a nice looking site, so if I can add more eye candy I will πŸ™‚

      Yeah, if I had the time I’d do more coverage of events as well, often have to decline stuff now.

  1. I’ve changed my look a million times (that’s almost accurate) but I’d probably change it if I had the time to find something that fit my vision perfectly. I’d also probably write more, right now I have very little time.

    I’m not sure there’s much else I’d do, I’ve already changed the website’s name, changed the domain name, changed my review format and many other things. I think it might be best if I just quit changing things. πŸ˜›

    • Organisation of review is something I’d love to do as well, I once had an overview of all reviews, but that took way too much time to maintain. If I was able I’d love to write a script to automate generating it…

  2. So many things:

    1. More time to write.
    2. Follow-up reviews allowing spoilers and 2nd thoughts.
    3. I use to list a Yes, No, Maybe of films for the upcoming month. I would like to do that again, as well as a follow-up w/ what got accomplished.
    4. Discussion review w/ other movie bloggers.

    • Yeah, that’s an interesting idea as well. I have been thinking about spoiler filled posts too to allow a place to discuss movies in detail, but it would be too time consuming. Like number 4 too, but just don’t have the time…would also love to participate in podcasts…

  3. Oh man, sooo many things! But I’ve been hoping to update the layout of my blog, which I might do in the new year even if I have to take a week-long break to do it!

    • Interesting…I personally love to stay with the blog format. I would however (if I had all the time in the world) and have learned the graphic design, to add a shop to my blog where I’d sell my designs (posters/t-shirts etc.)

  4. If I had more time at hands to spend on my blog I’d use it all on writing. Writing is what keeps me going, the very point of running the blog to me. Design is secondary and I have very little interest in going for helf hosting. I just can’t see in what way it would improve my blog or my blogging experience.

    • Blogging takes up a lot of time already, so working those things out can get sidetracked. I still have a couple of posts I want to do on lost cinemas of my hometown (already did a couple). I know they aren’t read much, but I really enjoy investigating for those. Will have to get around to writing a couple again πŸ™‚

  5. My absolute number one change would be the design of the blog. I have quite a generic blog and don’t really know how to go about creating something a bit more unique. I see some blogs and am just blown away by how good they look but wouldn’t know where to start doing that myself.

    • Well, I guess you could change your theme or look at options you can add to your current one. I’ve been blown away by a couple I saw last week which really inspired me to see what I could do to mine. Which means some subtle changes for the coming time πŸ™‚

  6. I think I would also learn how to change the theme by learning how to create one with certain features I can’t seem to find all in one theme that’s already been created.

    I’d also like to create a widget that recommends other similar blogs

      • well, it’s not that I’d create too many new features, but I like some features on 1 theme but not the theme itself, and then I find that I like another theme, but it lacks the feature I want. for example: the “alert” box/msg box I have on my page I can update with different cool msgs. I like that. But it’s only available on certain themes…limiting my choice. I’d like to have the time to learn how to develop and create my own.

        • I see, I once was planning to use another theme and installed this standalone version you could just run on your own computer to play with it and prepare the look and feel. Once I was happy I started changing the theme here and found out that all of the options were disabled on, which meant I had to rethink everything.

  7. Having more time to write more would be most welcome. I’d also like a new look. I actually enjoy my theme but when I look at the likes of Sati’s at Cinematic Corner, I get very jealous. What a design she has.

  8. Pingback: Duke & The Movies :: With A Little Help From My Friends

  9. I wish I had time to/could afford to take a course to learn code. But mostly I just wish I had more time to a.) watch movies, b.)read books about movies and stars, c.)visit cinema and theatre performances and museum exhibits about movies, and d.) write posts about all of the above. Some day, I’d like to have time to really be a part of the mega-movie blogs with multiple contributors. It could also be fun to start one of my own. I’d also like to host a blogathon some time. But THERE’S SO LITTLE TIME!!!

    • So basically you’d want to do it full time πŸ™‚

      With being part of a blog with multiple contributors, you could always attract other writers to your blog and build one yourself…

  10. Mine is pretty standard. If I had all the time in the world, I would just write full time. Would love to have my ‘day job’ being just sitting around watching old movies and writing about them. I sometimes find myself getting stressed about trying to catch new releases as well as following up on all the classics I have not seen. But realistically I can’t complain too much. Blogging is a nice release from my current day job.

    • I probably would as well…I guess I have to hope to win the lottery so it would allow me to do so πŸ˜‰ It is a nice release indeed and a great way to channel creative urges πŸ™‚

  11. Wow, great question, Nostra. Like others, I want to change my blog’s theme, probably learn a little web design and script. Of course, write more original topic and things I’m passionate about. Have thought of doing a blogathon, but still don’t have a right idea. Writing almost everyday if I have the energy. Time is always a challenge for me when it comes to blogging.

    • Yeah, making time is the hardest thing about blogging, there’s never enough. Just do some brainstorming on blogathon ideas and see which ones you like the next day and take your time expanding them. I’ve been working on an idea for one for a while, but am still not happy with the questions, so I don’t rush finishing it.

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