Gangster Squad (2013)

Review of the movie Gangster Squad

When growing up I developed a passion for videogames. Fuelled by my father, who would always buy the latest computers/consoles, I started playing them when I was very young and I never really stopped (although I don’t play as much as I used to, mainly because of time constraints). If there is one thing videogames generally are not very good at it’s telling stories which manage to involve you emotionally. Sure games can frustrate you sometimes, but it’s not often they will make you care much for the main character or sweep you away in the story. It’s basically all about experiencing action. Gangster Squad to me is like the videogame version of The Untouchables. The story is about the same, but it lacks the emotional impact and cranks up the action. Is that a bad thing though?

Yes, this is a movie about a team being put together to fight a big mob boss who seems unstoppable, but the presentation of it is a feast for the eyes. It’s got a great looking cast in period clothing and enough action to make sure you never have a moment to doze off. Even though it never has the depth you might be longing for, it does have an involving story, fleshed out by some great actors. I loved Sean Penn as Mickey Cohen (the mob boss), clearly having fun in his role and a joy to watch. The Gangster Squad itself has a great cast of actors too with Ryan Gosling, Anthony Mackie, Robert Patrick, Josh Brolin, Giovanni Ribisi and Michael Pena forming a team where each member has its specific speciality.

Sean Penn in Gangster Squad (movie review)

Much has been made of the removal of a now controversial scene where there was a shooting in a movie theater, but to be honest I never saw the trailer and didn’t care at all about the scene missing. I didn’t feel it needed it when watching this film. If you are looking for a cops vs. gangsters films with a great emotional depth and complex characters you should check out The Intouchables. If you are looking for an action movie set during the gangster era than Gangster Squad is a movie that can entertain you. It is like a videogame, but a very fun one that looks great and has enough action to keep you “playing” till the end credits.

20 thoughts on “Gangster Squad (2013)

  1. Good review. It’s stupid, loud, and dumb, but also a bunch of fun if you are willing to accept that it’s January, and most movies suck around this time.

  2. Though you and I were on the opposite end of liking this movie, your description of, “Gangster Squad to me is like the videogame version of The Untouchables,” is spot on accurate.

  3. Ahah, I knew you enjoyed this far more than me but a 9?? “…videogame version of The Untouchables” is right, and that is ill-advised however you look at it.

  4. Yay! Love that you enjoyed the film as much as me. I think expectations were high for the film, because of the cast. Trailers came out guns blazing and then everyone got nervous.

    Totally brainless, but so much fun.

  5. I love this movie. It’s everything i expected. Who cares there isn’t any depth or emotions! I’ve enjoyed every second of it ๐Ÿ™‚ Especially Sean Penn! Great performance as the psychotic mob boss! Nice review Nostra!

  6. It’s good to hear some positivity on this one Nostra. Many have slated it but I still like the look of it. Cheers man.

  7. Very interesting score that goes against the bulk of what I’ve seen elsewhere. I like it!!!! I never checked this movie out because I had a bad feeling about it. I like gangster pictures but this one just didn’t look right. And then I started seeing all the reviews. But my little brother went and saw it and said he loved it and now I read your review. I guess I’m going to have to give it a shot. I’m a tad more optimistic now. ๐Ÿ™‚

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