The Monday Question: Oscars!

With the Oscar weekend behind us I think it’s time for everyone to share their thoughts on them (if you haven’t yet). Personally i don’t watch the Oscar and possibly will check the winners, but I’m not too fussed about it. I am interested though:
Did you watch the Oscars and what did and didn’t you enjoy about it?

25 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Oscars!

  1. I couldn’t watch them live because I was at work :/ But I followed along on twitter and kept distracting my coworker by randomly shouting at the results! I’m mostly happy with the winners (I would have liked to see Emmanuelle Riva win Best Lead Actress, but we can’t have everything). I’ll be watching a replay later tonight (as I type, it’s only 7pm). I’d like to see Adele perform Skyfall, which is mainly why I’m watching, and some of the acceptance speeches!

  2. Everything got a little love. Life of Pi got the most and Argo got the most prized award. With a whopping 12 nominations, I was afraid Lincoln might dominate. It didn’t, only taking 2. I’m pleased with all of that. The only award that I feel was undeserved was Brave for Best Animated Film. Otherwise I was pretty satisfied with these Oscars.

    • Happy to see Argo won as it was a perfect movie to me. Happy to see Lincoln not dominating as well…a well made movie, but it didn’t do much for me really. Happy to hear you were a statisfied customer πŸ˜‰

  3. I’m really not that bothered by them. The most powerful film industry in the world patting itself on the back and promoting its work to the masses doesn’t thrill me. However, I still find myself quoting Oscar wins when talking about actor, director, screenwriter, composer et al works and I do think the big prizes matter to them. And the Academy does reward some astonishingly good work even though I don’t always agree with it. The glamour and the red carpet wallow in celebrity and the famous parties afterward all come across as pretentious to me. However, there is still an allure to the ceremony that makes me want to know what went on and who won what.

      • …historically it is nice to look back I suppose. As a time capsule on the period it is worth filing away – I like watching footage from the old ceremonies for instance.

        However, I’ve been slowly making my way through my recording of the 2013 ceremony and realized I simply cannot sit down and watch the whole thing in one go. That says it all really.

  4. I followed the Oscar Awards show on Nikki Finke’s ‘Hollywood Dateline’ tweets and live, open thread. It sounded as bad or worse than those who opined so snarkily thought of it.

  5. I actually live blogged the Oscars for the first time, you’re welcome to check it out πŸ˜€ There were some laughs but overall it was just an ok show and the Bond ‘tribute’ was terribly disappointing.

  6. Yes I did. I did enjoy Seth MacFarlane, as well as the musical moments–which normally annoy me.

    I agree w/ Ruth that the Bond “tribute” was a disappointment.

  7. I didn’t watch it as I was fast asleep! From what I saw though it was fairly straightforward and no major surprises. Quite glad I went to bed to be honest!

  8. I watched it and like Ruth live-blogged it. I agree with Ruth, the Bond tribute was disappointing. Seth MacFarlane was ok – some of the jokes were bad, some were good. Thought the audience really over-reacted to the Lincoln joke. I doubt he’ll be asked back though.

  9. I definitely watched them, and instead of complaining about all the silly things I didn’t like (of which there were, and always are, many) I do want to point one thing out.

    People who win Oscars work their ass off to win them. I’m talking about the “little” people. The visual effects supervisors, sound engineers, cinematographers, etc. And to cut their speeches short by playing the theme from Jaws and literally having the presenter tap them on the shoulder and say, “Yeah, you’re done.” That’s just shitty. I don’t want everyone to give 10 minute speeches or anything, but jesus, give these people 2 minutes to enjoy their moment. Cut out some of the useless musical numbers/tributes and let the winners win.

    • Sometimes the world needs a bit of positivity! I do think they should allow people more time, just make the show longer. It’s only done with television in mind, which is what it shouldn’t be about. It should be celebrating movies.

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