The Monday Question: Improve!

I’ve been running this blog for quite a while now, with a small redesign and a move to a self hosted server at the end of last year. I’m quite happy with it’s all looking now, but in the end it’s you who will use it to read about my opinions. There are some small improvements I want to make (I know that there are still some issues with shortened links not pointing to the correct address, which I have not been able to fix yet), but I want to ask you:

What would you like to see changed/added/more on My Filmviews?

12 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Improve!

  1. The overall layout is good.

    The only thing I would change–and I’m not sure if you can–is I never know when you reply to my specific comment. I don’t click on the “Notify me of follow-up comments” button because I do not want to receive an e-mail every time someone comments on the blog.

    • Thanks, very happy to hear that.

      As for the comments it is a standard WordPress implementation, which can be very annoying indeed. I see that there is a plugin available which would allow only comments to your own post to be emailed, although it hasn’t been updated for ages I will check if I can get it working.

    • Hi Victor, another update to your comment. I’ve found a plugin which automatically will send you an email if there is a reply to only your comment. I’ve installed it and it should work now. Please let me know if you run into any issues, but it worked fine in the tests I’ve done.

    • I’ve installed a plugin for this now, so as long as there is a valid email, you’ll automatically will receive an email only if I reply to your comment. I assume that if someone leaves a comment they also want to know when they received a reply. So now you should only get one mail and not a mail for each comment (unless you subscribe to it of course)

  2. Enjoy the layout my only complaint would be that you don’t link back to our site with enough frequency 😉

    nah I am just ball busting it’s all good

    How do you like self hosting vs full wordpress?

    • Thanks. My apologies for not linking enough! 😉

      I personally prefer self hosting as it gives you a lot more freedom in customising a lot of things. It might be a bit more hassle setting it up, but once it is running it’s as easy as on with the added freedom change it the way you like, having ads etc.

  3. i am glad to see the “comment” option changed. I like that option.

    I just wish that there was an option on each article to go from post to post instead of having to go back to the main page to visit the next article. of course I don’t know if it’s available to you with this theme (which I like the theme very much).

    takes guts to post this type of question with uncertainty of the response. Thanks for doing so. I’ve been contemplating the same thing.

    • It was a simple plugin installation. As for your suggestion I have not forgotten it, but know I’ll need to code it, which takes some time and have not been able to find it yet.

      You should…in the end you write for your audience and if you can improve to highten enjoyment it is good to know

  4. I know I’m late to the party here but for some reason I get your notifications all on one day, and like a week late. Not sure why. Other than that your website is solid. One of my favs.

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