Iron Man 3 (2013)

Review of Iron Man 3

The reason I really enjoyed the first Iron Man movie was not because of the fact that a comic book character was coming to the big screen. I don’t read comics, so to me it’s just another action movie. Iron Man could be any other character as long as the story keeps me entertained. No, the reason I really enjoyed the first Iron Man movie was mainly because the actor playing him, Robert Downey Jr. He brought so much humour to the role, of this rich guy feeling superior and able to back it up that it wasn’t difficult to root for Tony Stark. Because of that I really looked forward to Iron Man 2. It was a movie that ended up disappointing me, because the character seemed different, there weren’t as much wisecracks and the movie felt overly long. The Avengers brought everything back I was expecting from the character, which made me confident that Iron Man 3 would be a better movie than the sequel. The question is if that’s the case.

Review of Iron Man 3

Every superhero needs a villain to fight and in this movie it is “The Mandarin”, a great role by Ben Kingsley, which has some surprises in store. He’s bombing several targets and seems to do so without no evidence being found at all. It’s up to Tony Stark to find out how this is happening and stop The Mandarin before he gets to the president. Meanwhile he is struggling with what has happened in The Avengers, something which is mentioned several times, but never felt fleshed out enough.

Review of Iron Man 3

For those looking for laughs, there are enough to be had as Tony Stark provides a lot of them, even in the form of slapstick (and it works), but also John Favreau as Stark’s bodyguard and head of security is hilarious. The action is also very solid showing off the various suits, new inventions Stark has made, all in big setpieces. Guy Pearce is entertaining in his role as Aldrich Killian, who has found a way to improve the human body. The drama in the movie comes mainly from the relationship issues Stark is having with Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), but this also felt like an underdeveloped part of the movie. Despite some minor issues I had with this movie I did have a great time with it. It might not be summer yet, but this movie is a good kick off for this year’s big blockbusters. As this is a Marvel movie, be sure to stay in your seat when the movie ends, because there is an after credits scene (nothing big, but it provides some laughs).

20 thoughts on “Iron Man 3 (2013)

    • Thanks Paulo, I don’t have that baggage so I don’t know what he’s like in the comics, but I can imagine that if there is a big difference it will be disappointing. Not knowing though he was extremely funny and entertaining.

    • Hi Paulo. I myself is a huge fan of the comics. I know very well how the Extremis storyline works and how Mandarin is sooo not like that in the movie. I know the power of his rings. But you know what, I don’t mind much. The movie is damn enjoyable and it’s valid for me, or for anyone to enjoy it.

      I proudly brand myself a geek, a nerd, or whatever you call it. I guess we are different kinds. One geek loves his comic book too much that he don’t want anything changed. One geek loves his comic book too much that he loves anything about it – good or bad. I think I’m the latter. I hope you are too! Thanks for the insights.

  1. I think all of these comic book based movies … both Marvel and DC … are best taken without excessive analysis of motivations, plot or for that matter, consistency. They are what they are: fun. I read comics when I was a kid, but that was a long time ago and while I have fond memories of Superman who was my favorite superguy, I was never much of a Marvel fan. Too much angst. But I’m loving the movies. With the exception of Thor which was kind of a bomb, the rest of been great to look at, exciting, lots of effects and mostly, snappy dialogue. I plan on seeing this if for no better reason than finding out how much Kingsley can ham it up. He’s never played anything like this before. It’s been a long road from Gandhi to Ironman3. Thanks for the review. Reviews by “regular people” as opposed to professional critics are how I decide what I’m going to spend my few spare dollars to go see in the movies.

  2. Good review! It is definitely enjoyable but nothing special. I have never been a fan of Iron Man anyway so it doesn’t bother me. 🙂

  3. Sweet! Someone else who enjoyed it! YAY!

    I do not read the comics either and so I do not think I could feel the same level of disappointment as others. It was just tons of fun, for me.

    Nice write-up.

  4. Pingback: SQM – Iron Man 3 | Sydney Aaliyah

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