The Monday Question: Romance!

Welcome to another Monday Question. Hope you have had a movie filled weekend and really enjoyed yourself. This weekend Before Midnight opened in various countries. I saw it at the first possible moment I could and as my review shows I loved it. Just like the other two movies you connect to these two people and understand what they are feeling. It got me thinking that I don’t know of too many other romantic movies which are similar to this. The only ones I could come up with are Once and Lost in Translation. Someone suggested An Affair to Remember, but I was very disappointed by it, as it did not feel realistic for a moment. So this week I’m looking for suggestions:

Which realistic romantic movie shouldn’t be missed if you love movies like Once, the “Before…” trilogy and Lost in Translation?

27 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Romance!

  1. You’ve Got Mail is a modern remake of An Affair to Remember. Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. You might like it better. Of a completely different style,try “A Little Romance” Starring a teenaged Diane Lane and an old Lawrence Olivier … and an adorable kid who quit the movies to become a Parisian dentist (really, not kidding) is a wonderful romantic movie and not like any other movie I’ve ever seen. One of my all time favorite romantic movies. Most of them annoy me … all I keep thinking is if the guy and the gal had one single honest conversation, they could have saved YEARS of misery.

  2. Blue Valentine for sure. Feels very real, and is an amazing movie. And if cultural differences don’t get in the way of “realness” for you, In the Mood For Love is well worth checking out too.

    • I agree with that. I have had In the Mood for Love for ages now and even put it in my player the other day to watch it. Don’t know why I didn’t but it is still underneath my TV…so I hope to get around to it soon!

  3. I’d say the latest realistic take on romance is (500) Days of Summer.. it tackles both sides of romance, the good and the bad. It’s also funny and refreshing to see romance from a guy’s perspective rather than hear the gorgeous woman complain that she’s ugly and single.

  4. “(500) Days of Summer”

    Going of memory from when they originally came out because I haven’t seen them since, but possibly “About A Boy” and “Moonstroke”.

    • I’m sorry to disagree here, but I really did not like Annie Hall at all…almost nothing managed to interest me about that movie and I still don’t understand why it is loved so widely….

  5. I second, third, fourth…whatever all this ‘500 Days of Summer’ love. MARVELOUS MOVIE and a great stray from the typical romance movies. Possibly my favorite ‘romantic’ movie is ‘The Smiling Lieutenant’ though. Such a beautifully played romantic comedy from the 30’s with delightful performances and great atmosphere. It is softer and has this easy, organic quality to it, much like ‘Once’. Plus, it’s a musical!!!

      • I love those old 30’s films, and this one was one I had stumbled upon and fallen head over heals for. In fact, it may even break my top ten films of all time list!

        I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an internet award this morning. I’m not at all sure how these things work really, but your blog is great (so glad I stumbled upon it) and since your a member of the LAMB you may understand this more than I do (not that they are related but since LAMB has LAMMYS I take it you’d be familiar with these types of awards).

        • Thanks a lot for the award, I really appreciate it, although in general I do not participate in these type of awards as they are a bit like chainmails…

          • I can appreciate that. This is my first time, and quite honestly I’m not really all that familiar with what they are or how they work.

        • I know a lot of bloggers do enjoy participating in them, but personally I don’t although like I said, I always appreciate people thinking of me for them!

  6. Good question again! Right now the only title that pops into my mind is Blue Valentine however The Notebook is pretty good as well.

  7. I don’t know how ‘realistic’ this is, I mean it COULD happen I suppose, but I LOVE Return To Me as it’s not as formulaic as other rom-coms and the chemistry between David Duchovny and Minnie Driver is palpable and heart-wrenching. The title holds a whole new meaning once you see the film. I highly recommend that one Nostra.

  8. I second Victor’s Recommendation of Moonstruck. My favorite romance is The Philadelphia Story with Hepburn, Grant, and Stewart, but it isn’t the same kind of romance.

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