The Monday Question: Director!

I was listening to an old Filmjunk podcast last week where they were discussing The Last Stand. I had seen the movie and quite enjoyed it, but decided not to review it or look further into it. They talked about it and I then heard the movie was directed by Kim Jee-Woon, who was responsible for movies like A Bittersweet Life, The Good, the Bad, the Weird, I Saw the Devil and A Tale of Two Sisters. Although I have not seen that last movie I was impressed with the other three and was surprised to find out he also directed The Last Stand. It made me think about how often I actually look up the details on directors and I have to admit that it is not a lot. In general I will know which movies the big directors (Spielberg, Tarantino etc) will release, but besides that I am not that well informed. It also made me question how important a director is to your enjoyment of the movie. I will seek out movies by specific directors but although some have a clear visual style others might not have that so strongly.

How important is it for you to know a director of a movie and does it have a relation with the enjoyment you get out of a movie?

8 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Director!

  1. We are more likely to go to see a movie if we know and like the director’s previous work. But – if we’ve heard or read good stuff about a new movie, we won’t be deterred by not knowing the director. Reviews by guys like you are the biggest influence on what we go to see — that and word of mouth from friends who share our tastes.

  2. Good question. I always try to follow the same directors’ movies and get a familiarity of their work and always try to see their latest movies.

  3. It depends on the filmmaker and what that person is going to do with whatever material they’re working. I’ll take Sofia Coppola for example. There’s people that like her films for her lush visuals, use of music, minimalist approach to performances, and her intriguing approach to alienation and disconnection. Yet, the other side will think her films are very pretentious with characters that are unlikeable or lacking in substance while they think her films are about upper-class or middle-class people who are shallow and whiny. Having now seen all of her films. There’s elements that I’m aware that people don’t like but she’s done more than enough for me to follow her as I know what to expect from her as well as the fact that she can surprise me in some way. Fortunately, she hasn’t disappointed me with anything as I’m glad she’s making the films she wants to make and is having a good time doing it.

  4. Knowing the director of a film will not affect my enjoyment of it, but possibly my expectations regarding it. Also, knowing the director may cause me to watch a film I was not planning to.

  5. Hi all:

    I expect a certain level of quality with established or favorite director. As I do with favorite or established actors and actresses.

    Carl Franklin caught me early on with ‘One False Move’ and hasn’t disappointed yet. While Woody Allen, Spielberg and Tarantino made their marks early. Have been striving for that same level in later films while just missing the mark.

    About the only director who has a vision in his head and gets his usually A-List and A-Game actors and stable of technicians to deliver time after time is Clint Eastwood. Though Christopher Nolan is showing great promise.

    Securing my Soap Box.

    Carry on.

  6. I’m all about the director – probably my biggest sway in whether to watch a film or not. I guess it’s because I enjoy films at a technical level as much as I enjoy plot, characters, and all the rest. In my opinion, if the direction is on top form, almost everything else will follow.

    Also, I’ll be putting up my obstruction-review in the next few days. Had a good bit of fun bigging up a crap film!

  7. Well, good reviews, is above all first, after that, then I try to select films that, are somewhat essential to have been seen, whether it’s regarding, their popularity, the cultural or historical importance, etc. (Award nominations for instance, I always make a note of) Director names come into play with that, but even if it didn’t, after that, I do always look for who the director is first, above stars, and even occasionally the writers, and yes, if it’s a name of a major director that I recognize, then, I do what I can to see his/her’s film. But still, even though it doesn’t always work, and since I have the option, I try to watch good films first, so, director, comes in later, but good reviews, trump everything, that said, if I still am unsure, I do check the director’s work to make a final call, on whether I want to see a film. If they’re well-know, or if they’ve made movies I’ve liked and admired before, I try to watch them.

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