The 5 Obstructions blogathon: Obstruction 4

The 5 Obstructions blogathon

With month 3 of this blogathon behind us I have to say that a lot of bloggers failed to turn in their entry. Maybe this was because it was too hard or simply because it is a time when a lot of people are enjoying their holidays. Whatever the case, there were a lot of bloggers who did manage to do the obstruction and a lot even earned a golden checkmark. I know you are interested to know what the challenge is for this month, so I won’t keep you waiting any further.

A lot of words

Some might laugh at this challenge because they already write long and detailed reviews, but I know a lot of bloggers don’t (including myself). So this obstruction will challenge you to really spend a lot of time writing a detailed review and having to look at things you might normally not describe.

Golden checkmark

So what if you want to earn that golden checkmark, what will you have to do then? You will have to write even more and get to at least 2000 words.

Good luck everyone and I’m looking forward to your posts!

If you have any questions about this obstruction please ask them in the comments so others can also read them.

38 thoughts on “The 5 Obstructions blogathon: Obstruction 4

  1. Interesting challenge, though longer reviews aren’t always better reviews. I generally try to keep my reviews around 1,000 words more or less. I will do my best to make it to 2,000 words without just using a lot of random filler.

    • I’m not saying it necessarily a better review, but it can push you to look at a movie differently or in more detail. That is the idea behind it. I know I will not be able to write over 2000 (already having difficulties reaching 1250 words ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  2. So ironic. It’s taken me YEARS to train myself to NOT write such long reviews. I have to write a review tomorrow. But it’s not a movie. It’s a short story. A long review of a short story seems something of any oxymoron. I’m sure you want a movie review anyhow. I’ll have think. Maybe I’ll write about one of my old favorites for you.

  3. Pingback: The Internship (2013) | KaramelKinema

  4. Okay, my entry is up. It’s on Ingmar’s Bergman’s “Scenes From a Marriage” and it’s doubling as a “CANON OF FILM” review of mine. I might be stretching it a bit, as I consider for this review, both the miniseries and the feature-film version of “Scenes…”, but I’m considering the entirety of both to be a whole film, especially in regards to “Essential Viewing”, which is what I reserve my “CANON…” entries for. Hope you like/enjoy it. Thank you.

  5. Ahah, this is easy. Most of my reviews are long, I could’ve just submitted some of them already ๐Ÿ˜€ Well, I might do a new one, I still haven’t reviewed MUD and tonight I’m seeing Gravity so I might submit one of those, Nostra.

    • Hi Andrew, have updated the overview. What did you do extra for the first obstruction…show me the link and I might be able to give you that golden checkmark for the first one ๐Ÿ™‚

      • You had made a comment about how to get the golden checkmark you had to make your review even nastier (or nicer) and make it sound like it was the worst (or best) movie ever made, no matter how ridiculous; which is what I had already done ๐Ÿ˜‰

        At least I think that’s what you said. I love Les Miserables, yet in my review I basically said it was nonsensical trash.

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