Breaking Emotions blogathon: Tears & Surprise

The second week in Mettel Ray’s Breaking Emotions Blogathon brings two new emotions: Tears and Surprise. Last week I had some trouble thinking of enough examples of fear, this week I wasn’t struggling as much, so on to my three choices for “Breaking Tears”. Warning in advance that these contain spoilers, for the movies of my choice.

I am not someone who is quickly moved to tears by movies, but there are a couple which have managed to make me water up a bit.

The first movie which made me cry. The moment E.T. has died and Elliott is going crazy because of it. Even watching it again only a couple of years go it still managed to move me.

Fruitvale Station
Earlier this year I saw this movie about the shooting of Oscar Grant. The last scene in which the mother and her daughter are in the shower got to me when the child asks her mother: “Where’s daddy?” Being a father myself I was deeply moved by that moment even later when trying to tell that part of the movie to someone else.

Black Swan
The last line Natalie Portman speak is “It was perfect”, which summed up the movie perfectly for me and because of the sheer beauty of the movie I felt water slowly filling my eyes.

If there is one thing I like in movies it is when it is able to surprise. The more movies you watch the harder it gets to be surprised by what you are seeing, but these three movies managed to surprise me in a big way.

No Mercy
This South Korean movie is one not many people have seen, but which more people should be checking out. What initially seems to start out as CSI episode quickly become very interesting when the killer admits what he has done. From that moment the movie is filled with surprises, resulting in an unexpected ending.

Fast and Furious 6
Talking about unexpected ending, the final scene in this movie blew my mind (and I’m not talking about the plane or the scene after that, but the one in Tokyo). Just when I thought the franchise couldn’t get cooler in walks this action star. It means I can not wait for part 7.

This movie still holds the title of the movie which managed to give me the biggest surprise (and shock). Those who have seen it will know exactly why.

All my entries in this blogathon:
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11 thoughts on “Breaking Emotions blogathon: Tears & Surprise

  1. This blogathon is so cool! I hope I won’t drop out in the middle, like in the 5 Obstructions blogathon -_-. I didn’t cry at neither E.T. nor Black Swan, but I agree that they’re heart-wrenching. As for the surprise ones, I haven’t seen any of your choices but I heard a lot about the Fast and Furious 6 ending.

    • I think Mettel has thought of an awesome blogathon as well and it is a fun one to do. It just shows that each movie can do something else for each person that watches it and that they are very personal.

  2. Cool picks! E.T. is such an amazing movie. The scenes with them both being observed by the scientists and being led to believe E.T. is dead is so sad. The tear-worthy scenes don’t really end, especially when E.T. leaves for his home planet.

  3. Haven’t seen some on your list Nostra but oh boy, ET did make me bawl my eyes out when I saw it as a kid. I bet it’s still a tearjerker even today!

    • Only revisited a couple of years back and it still managed to move me. You should try to seek some of the movies out which you have not seen yet Ruth, they are all great films.

  4. I was careful not to read a couple of thoughts given I have not seen “Oldboy” or “Fruitvale Station”, which remain two big blind spots for me.
    In any case, I do relate to what you (and most of us) felt towards the end of E.T. Still among my favorite films.
    My own breaking tears, include Senna (for personal reasons), Rachel Getting Married (I had just gone through a break-up) and Life is Beautiful. When I say there were tears, I really mean it. I’m not one of those people that can have one or two tears. If the dam is broken, then the flood will come haha. Those are the only ones I can think of though.

    • Oldboy you should definitely check out. Senna is a very powerful one and I remember being impressed by Rachel Getting Married. Life is Beautiful is amazing although it didn’t manage to make me cry although I did feel for the characters.

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