The Monday Question: Prepare!

At the moment there are a lot of sequels released or about to be released. On Saturday the BBC showed Anchorman and as the sequel is about to be released I thought it was a good idea to give it a chance again (I didn’t like it the first time I saw it and still don’t). It made me wonder:

Before you go see a sequel, do you prepare by watching previous movies?

In general I do not rewatch movies before watching a sequel as I usually remember the general idea of the previous movie(s). It does mean that I sometimes miss out on some small parts of a story (for example with the last Wolverine movie), but I’ll take that chance.

15 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Prepare!

  1. For me, it depends on the film. If I had seen the predecessor and have become familiar with it. There’s no need for me to see it. If I haven’t seen it nor is familiar with it. I’d watch it.

  2. Like Steven, it depends on the film and how “into” the franchise I am. Like when TDKR came out, I wanted to watch the previous two before seeing the next one. Not because I forgot what happened, but to get into it again. I think i did the same LOTR came out too. Each year. šŸ˜€

  3. I have done, but rarely.
    I would admit there were moments duing Hunger Games Catching Fire where I felt lost, because parts of the first movie were a bit hazy.

    But on the other hand I just hate being part of that commercial “system” of buying the film a few months after the cinema release, so you can rewatch it before the sequel. That’s exactly what they want us to do, to earn as much profit as possible.

    • I can not remember much of the first Hunger Games, but I do not want to rewatch the original when seeing the sequel. I’ll see how I get trhough it.

      Did not think of it in that way…

  4. Depends if I can remember the film the sequel is for. If I can’t, usually I go for a refresher, but otherwise I just go in cold and hope I pick up the story….

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