The Monday Question: Movies on TV!

The Monday Question

Another Monday, another weekend behind us. Have not come around to watching any movies this weekend myself, which does not happen a lot, but other things simply kept me from doing so. A great source for watching movies can be your TV. Every day a lot of movies are being shown, but I was wondering:

Do you ever watch movies when they are broadcast on TV?

For me the answer is pretty simple: If they are being shown on a commercial station where there will be tons of commercial breaks I will not watch and rather find the DVD of the movie if I have it or else just skip it. I can not stand wasting time looking at commercials and being taken out of the movie. If a movie is shown on the BBC or the dutch version of that I will probably watch as they will show the whole movie without any breaks. Interested in your viewing habits when it comes to movies shown on TV.

14 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Movies on TV!

    • Yeah, that is a good option too, did not even think about that as I don’t own one. Then again I already have way too many unwatched DVD’s so that is probably a good thing.

  1. Hi, Nostra:

    I’m a fan of Turner Classic Movies. Two good ones tonight!

    The Outfit with Robert Duvall, Joe Don Baker and Robert Ryan in a low budgeted revenge flick. Followed by Roy Scheider and Tony Lo Bianco in The Seven Ups . A very The French Connection kind of film with superb NYC on-location photography and a decent chase scene.

  2. In general, I won’t watch a movie on a channel that shows commercials. I can’t stand all the breaks and the cutting they do to get it fit for broadcast. If I know, or have a reasonably good idea, I’ll be uninterrupted I might check something out on Turner Classic, though. Haven’t had HBO, Showtime, or any of the premium channels for years so that’s not an option for me.

  3. yeaaaahhhhh Nope. Not a chance. The age of DVD, bro!

    Mind you, if it’s some obscure, never-gonna-get-the-DVD film that I figure might be worth a shot, late at night and after the football, I might tune in, but I won’t make an effort. It has to come to me.

    This is even more so if it’s a commercial channel. I can’t stand “commercial breaks”….

  4. I sometimes watch movies on TV, primarily because my family does the same (so if our television’s not on for our local channels, it’s usually on one of the movie channels – HBO, Cinemax, etc.). The only problem I have with that is that it usually has the same line up of movies on particular days (though the order does change) so when there’s nothing else on TV, I’m forced to watch the same thing over again.

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