The Monday Question: Goals!

The Monday Question

I have been blogging about movies for a couple of years now and although I had my moments where I was contemplating to stop I have always managed to find something to inspire and drive me to keep going. When I started out I just wrote about the movies I saw and never thought much about what blogging really meant, the interaction with others, something which gives me the most enjoyment. With some years under my belt though I do notice that I set more goals for myself. Not only in the form of new years resolutions, but also when it comes about trying to set goals. For example doing at least 2 to 3 blogathons a year as I think they help me discover interesting new blogs and of course also have other discover this little place on the internet I’m running. Slowly I have also become more interested in talking to people who work in the industry and if I see a chance to arrange an interview I go for it. The other goal is of course to keep increasing the number of views the site gets each year.

Do set any goals for your blog if so, what are they?

11 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Goals!

  1. For me after departing bitterly of (which finally died a few weeks ago) after 10 years of service, blogging was the chance for me to go out on my own and just do what I do. During that time, I started the Auteurs series and writing some essays and in turn, became a better writer.

    I guess the only goal for me is to get better at my craft.

  2. My main goal is to be better at what I’m doing than I was a year ago – but also just to have fun and enjoy the interaction and writing about movies in itself. I think if there’s no joy in that then I might just as well shut down the blog.

  3. While it’s always nice to see that spike in page hits, honestly it’s no longer about that. It used to be in the early days, but now that I’m more familiar with the blogosphere and its peculiarities, I’m no longer concerned by it. If I’m honest, I’m no longer really worried about the number of comments I draw (or lack thereof!); all I’m interested in is trying to broaden by cinematic tastes (I’ve started watching a lot more silent and “older” films) and maintain a level of quality I’m happy with.

    I did set myself a goal recently, and that’s to watch all the films of Alfred Hitchcock, a goal I’m hopeful will take a few years to plow through.

  4. Hi – my initial goal for Video Krypt was to help me start writing regularly again. I’d fallen out of love with it and hadn’t written anything at all for about six years, and starting again was a real slog.

    Once I had the blog up and running, my goal changed – I dreamed that one day it might lead me to a paid position as a movie critic! It’s still a dream, because what could be better than getting paid to write about something you love?

  5. At one point I had some goals. With my 100 films per year, I’d want to review each of them. Post monthly updates. That sort of thing. But I’ve found, over time, I just want to blog when I want to blog. And take it a little “easier” if you know what I mean?

  6. I do, and I failed miserably with my 2013 goals–even before the addition to my family.

    My goals were at least one review per week, one weekly funny, and spotlight another blog. The spotlighting another blog never worked, and the weekly review worked as an average, but I never had at least one review per week.

  7. For the first time this year, I made a blog schedule for the year and have stuck to it. I seem to do better when I have it all planned out.

  8. My goal is just to keep up with it. It’s tough sometimes and like you at times I want to quit it, but then I think I’ll miss it too much.

  9. I’ve set goals to make and work on certain features but I’ve given up on most of them after a few months (after finding it difficult to regularly write them). I also keep telling myself that I’ll eventually update my blog format which I’ve kept since its inception.

  10. My original goal was for my blog to help me get a job in some kind of writing related field, which it kinda did, but now it’s all about conversing with people and sharing thoughts and all that jazz. My goal is just to continue enjoying it as much as I do.

  11. At the moment it’s just keeping the blog going. Life always seems to get in the way but I have the reviewing and writing bug so I can’t watch a movie without the urge to review it.

    I set myself a goal to watch (and review) 100 movies. That seems low to constant movie bloggers but I’m already behind!

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