Six Degrees of Separation blogathon

In association with dutch movieblog “De Protagonisten” (who inspired me to do this) I want to present the Six degrees of Separation blogathon:

There is a theory that in only six steps you can link anyone to any other person in the world, which I thought would be an awesome idea for a blogathon.

What is it?

Get ready to test your knowledge of actors/movies and directors with the six degrees of separation blogathon. You will get two names of either actors/actresses/directors or movies and what you will have to do is make a link between them in a maximum of six steps. Things are usually clearer when an example is given.

So let me show you one between Matt Damon and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

1. Matt Damon grew up with Ben Affleck

2. Ben Affleck starred with Samuel L. Jackson in Changing Lanes

3. Samuel L. Jackson played in movies like Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, directed by Quentin Tarantino

4. In Quentin Tarantino‘s Jackie Brown he cast Michael Keaton in one of the roles

5. Michael Keaton played the title role in Tim Burton’s Batman

6. In the Batman & Robin movie Arnold Schwarzenegger played Mr. Freeze

So how does this blogathon work?

As you know I have done several relay races in the past and have heard from several bloggers that they wished they would get a chance to participate as well. So to go with the theme of this blogathon I decided to increase those chances sixfold and have assigned this blogathon to six bloggers, so please head over to their blogs to see how they tackled their challenges:

Ruth from Flixchatter will show you how Alfred Hitchcock is connected to the Transformer movies

Andrew from A Fistful of Films will tackle the connection between Charlie Chaplin and Jason Statham

Karamel Kinema shows how Natalie Portman and Casblanca are related

Terrence from The Focused Filmographer will prove that Spiderman and Stanley Kubrick are associated

Shah from Blank Page Beatdown is going to look at Robert Downey Jr. and The Godfather

fernandorafael from Committed to Celluloid has evidence that Al Pacino and Top Gun are linked

At the end of their post these bloggers will assign it to another blogger and set the endgoal for that blogger. The next blogger will start with the movie/actor/director the previous blogger ended with and make the connection to in six or less steps to the assigned endgoal. Example: Ruth ends with Transformers and set the endgoal to Cary Grant then the next blogger will have to make the connection between the two. Please make sure that you link back to the previous post(s) as this will help your readers follow the blogathon and it will also help your fellow bloggers to some extra readers, which I’m sure you’d agree will help everyone.

Would you be able to link Matt Damon and Arnold Schwarzenegger in fewer steps?

50 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Separation blogathon

  1. Wow, this one sounds like fun. I’m usually good at this game, though I’ve always been under the impression that you can only link the people through movies they appeared in.

    I’d love to participate but I guess I’ll have to wait for someone to pass me the baton in this kind of thing. I got desperate enough to get in on the act of one of these relays that I’ve actually started two of my own, and maybe I’ll have to start a third while I’m waiting.

  2. That’s easy. Matt Damon and Danny DeVito did The Rainmaker back in 1997 as DeVito worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Twins, Last Action Hero (DeVito’s voice actually), and Junior.

  3. Pingback: Six Degrees Of Separation Blogathon - Blank Page Beatdown

    • You are welcome and happy you were interested in joining in the fun. I’ll be keeping an eye on them myself and already saw some going extremely quickly!

  4. What an awesome idea here Nostra, you are the KING! 😀 It was fun learning the connections too, it proved to be a bit easier than I thought, thank goodness for IMDb!!

  5. Pingback: The Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon! | FILM GRIMOIRE

  6. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon | Where The Wild Things Are

  7. Pingback: Six Degrees Of Separation Blogathon: Transformers to Gary Cooper | Writer Loves Movies

  8. Ooooh oooh oooooh!! I would love to get in on all this fun, but I don’t know if anyone will ever pass the baton to me. So basically, what I’m trying to say here is…I’m open for whatever challenge comes my way. Bring it on!!!

    • Make sure to follow these, I know that some bloggers are looking for someone who is interested (als pointed them to this thread, so you might get lucky Kevyn :))

  9. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon – Double Entry | The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger

  10. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon | Films and Coke

  11. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon » An Online Universe

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  14. Pingback: 6 Degrees of Separation Blogathon | ccpopculture

  15. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation | Mettel Ray

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