Top 10 Actors I’d see in just about anything

Top 10 actors i'd see in just about anything blogathon

I’ve seen this new blogathon doing the rounds the last couple of days and today is the day Jaina from Time Well Spent has asked me to be the next entry in this relay. Creating the list was fairly easy and like Jaina I didn’t put any women on the list. I really thought about it, but there are no actresses out there who will make me go to the cinema or watch a movie of them at home simply because they are in it.

So who were the previous participants?
1. Abbi at Where the Wild Things are
2. Fernando at Committed to Celluloid
3. Kristin at All Eyes On Screen
4. Jaina at Time Well Spent

And here is my personal top 10:

Jason Statham

I’m a huge fan of action movies and Jason Statham is one of those action stars I will watch whenever there is a new movie out. He mostly does the same in each movie he is in, but I’m fine with that. He’s awesome in what he does.

Nicolas Cage

Although Cage’s career isn’t where it used to be (partly thanks to his money problems) I will still watch his movies. Sure there are a ton of very bad ones, but Cage still gives it his all (which in some movies can be very entertaining, especially when crazy Cage comes out)

Christian Bale

An actor who isn’t only willing to do anything for the roles he is doing (he gained and lost tons of weight for various movies), but also is able to give great performances.

George Clooney

In the last couple of years almost every movie Clooney has starred in has had a place in my top 10 of the year (Descendants, The American, Gravity to name a few). That’s enough reason for me to go see movies he is in, because chances are big that I will like them.

Matt Damon

Although he might not come across as a huge movie star there is one thing you can expect from Matt Damon: solid performances in interesting movies.

Tom Hanks

Probably one of the most famous actors out there who always comes across as sympathetic and is always selecting interesting projects to work on, you know movies starring him are always worth checking out.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

He might not be able to match many actors in this list when it comes to actual acting, but you can’t deny the man has a lot of screen presence and many movie classics to prove that.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Another actor who always chooses interesting projects and also someone who has really grown a lot since he first appeared on screen.

Tom Cruise

He might do strange things when he’s not on screen, but it’s something I don’t really care about. Even though he’s getting older he is still an actor willing to do things other actors hire stunt doubles to do.

Dwayne Johnson

Another action star (and (former?) wrestler) who is always a joy to watch, whether it is a serious role or comedic. His presence does make a movie better.

I would like to pass on the baton to Karamel Kinema (who I hope will pick this up as there haven’t been any updates lately)

13 thoughts on “Top 10 Actors I’d see in just about anything

  1. NO actresses make you want to go to the movies? None? That’s sad, especially when women like Cotillard, Johansson, Blanchett…just to mention a few continually work with great directors, chose a wide range of projects and put in quality work. I mean, really?

    • No, as in there are no actresses I’ll see blindly in any movie they are in or where I will actively will search for older movies of them, which is the case for all the actors mentioned here. That isn’t to say I don’t enjoy the work of the actresses you mention, but I don’t seek their movies out.

  2. Glad you were able to join this blogathon, Nostra! Nice choices . . . glad to see Tom Hanks on someone else’s list too. I also found it difficult to include women on my list, which is really too bad. Why is it that we have found more actors than actresses that make us want to go to the movies?

    • Happy to join. Karamel Kinema has also put up its entry.

      It is a good question why actresses aren’t chosen, but it might have to do something with the fact that they are usually not leading roles or in genres not everyone is a fan of.

  3. Nice list! It’s strange how pretty much no actresses make us want to go to the cinema. Strange and a little sad really!

    Ha, totally agree with you about Dwayne/The Rock – there’s something about him in films. Yes, quite happily watch anything with him in.

    Same with Tom Cruise – he has done so many films I enjoy. Sure he’s a bit of a nutter, but his films and his work is really excellent.

    Great list, Nostra!

  4. Pingback: Listopia: 10 Actors I Would See In Just About Anything | KaramelKinema

  5. Pingback: Actors/Actresses I Would See In About Anything (10 Things) | Mettel Ray

  6. Pingback: Listopia: 10 Actress I Would See In Just About Anything | KaramelKinema

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