The Monday Question: Speed!

The Monday Question

There are moments that you start wondering about the strangest things and this week’s question is an example of that. As I’m a big fan of movies I watch a lot of them and often try out movies which I might not enjoy. But unless a movie is really horrible I always feel that I should finish a movie and not turn it off. In the days of the VHS tapes this would sometimes mean fast forwarding through bits, but now more options are available, one of them being able to play back a movie at a higher speed, but keeping the pitch of the voices. There are DVD players which support it and various apps which also do so. I think it is a great solution for not spending as much time you’d like on a movie while still finishing it. Now I don’t use the feature often and if I do it’s movie I don’t want to spend time on reviewing them, but I am wondering:

Do you ever watch movies at a higher speed and what is your opinion on using this feature?

8 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Speed!

  1. Back then when I had a VCR, I did that but only on films I had already seen before. Now, I don’t do that anymore. It just don’t like to do that at all. If it’s a film that is being shown on TV w/ commercials, I end up just not bothering to watch it because it ruins the pacing of the film.

  2. At first I thought you were asking about the film rate speed, lol. But no I’ve never watch any movie at higher speed, if I’m watching a movie I don’t enjoy, I just turn it off. I don’t need to waste my time on it anymore, life’s too short, ha ha.

    • Hahaha. I can understand not using it, but I’m a bit more of a completists once I start watching something. Usually don’t feel like I’m wasting my time unless it is really bad.

  3. Ha, I’ve actually never taken advantage of that feature. I usually just watch a movie at regular speed. I rarely do NOT finish a movie unless I’ve already seen it, and I’ve turned off only a couple movies in the middle of them ever.

    • I did that a lot as well, until I saw the option and noticed it wasn’t too bad to watch things at a higher speed. Doesn’t take much away from the whole experience.

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