The Monday Question: Characters/Plot!

The Monday Question

There a lot of factors which have to come together to result in an interesting movie. Two of them are the characters and the plot of the movie. In action movies the plot really isn’t very important as long as it allows the main character to do cool stuff (and I must admit that this character usually is pretty two dimensional). In dramas usually the focus is more on the depth of the characters with a plot that can be very strong, but it is important that the viewer feels for what the characters are going through. A perfect movie would of course have great, fully developed characters and an extremely well written plot and execution of it. It happens a lot that that doesn’t happen though, so I was wondering if you have to choose:

What is more important to you: The plot of a movie or the depth of its characters?

7 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Characters/Plot!

  1. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter. Just as long as there’s complex characters and a good story. Sometimes, they don’t need plots. Those movies that Andy Sidaris did with chicks with guns and big tits didn’t have any plot nor any characters with depth but it knew that and that’s why those films were fun to watch.

  2. If forced to choose I’d go with character. However, it doesn’t matter which a movie has just so long as it has something compelling about it. A film that compels us in one area can be perfectly fine even if it lacks in another area.

  3. Good question; definitely makes me think.

    I’m going with the depth of the characters. For example, the two Tim Burton Batman films. The first had a better story, where the second had better character depth. I personally have watched the second film many more times than the first.

    For me, I guess you can eventually get board of the story especially when it becomes very familiar, whereas great characters are always great characters–and you usually see something new with the way the actor brought the character to life.

    That’s probably why films such as “The Big Chill” and “Kramer vs. Kramer” come across as timeless.

  4. That’s such a hard question! I really like great characters, and for me, probably more important than both the characters and the plot is the story – how well written is it? If there’s a solid script, I’m in. So perhaps I lean more towards the plot. I feel like if you have great actors and interesting characters, that they can do only so much before the movie falls over on itself if the plot is thin and weak. Great question!

  5. Very tough question!

    Well back storied and developed characters can uplift even the lamest plot line. But without a cogent and viable plot and story. What do you have?

    I’m going with characters.

  6. Tough question. See, I can happily watch a film like Fast and Furious where the characters paper thin but the action element and the rest of the film is damn enjoyable. You’ll get films with incredibly complex characters, but the plot’s not strong enough to carry them through. Simply, there needs to be a balance, and above all, for me it’s about the enjoyment factor of a film.

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