Waar (2013)

Review Waar

What’s the last movie you’ve seen made in Pakistan? The only answer I could give myself was that I hadn’t seen any. While browsing IMDB I came across a movie which had a very high score (9) and therefore stood out. It made me curious and I wondered why I had never heard of the film. Was this a relatively unknown masterpiece or simply a heavily overrated movie?

Review Waar

TMujtaba Rizvi (Shaan) is one of the best agents the country knows, but he has quit because he lost his wife and child because of his work. He still struggles with it, but when he hears the man who is responsible for their death has probably entered Pakistan to execute a terrorist attack he decides to grab his guns again and find him.

Review Waar

The question whether this movie is overrated or and undiscovered masterpiece is that it’s neither. I don’t have any way to compare the movie to other movies from Pakistan, but it looks good and has been stylishly edited. It does have a couple of moments where the computer interfaces (for example a profile in a database) or specific shots are a bit too slick, but in general the cinematography is good. The movie also is violent (an attack on a facility where police officers are trained is shown in such a way that you can imagine it happening like this in reality). It offers quite a few cliches. Waar is not a movie you should immediately seek out and watch, but if you are interested in seeing a movie which is a bit different from the overload of American movies you see each month than it is worth giving it a chance.

2 thoughts on “Waar (2013)

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie made in Pakistan. Thanks for the recommendation – it’s always nice to take a break from American cinema to see something different every now and then.

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