Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)

Review Sin City a Dame to Kill For

Should you make a sequel after the original came out 10 years earlier? When the original movie got rave reviews and it has characters which are widely loved it seems like a nobrainer. The result doesn’t always work though. The original Star Wars trilogy was adored, but the three new films disappointed many. A Dame to Kill For is the sequel to the Sin City movie from 2005. Should this movie have been made?

Review Sin City a Dame to Kill For

I thought the original movie was very good (I never reviewed it, but it received top marks). The style was unique, making it look like a comic book brought to life. Director Robert Rodriguez managed (together with its creator Frank Miller) to use new techniques and a colours in a unique way to create a memorable movie. The story was very violent, but with memorable characters like Marv (Mickey Rourke), Yellow Bastard (Nick Stahl), Hartigan (Bruce Willis) and Kevin (Elijah Wood), together with very dark humour, it was a movie which left an impression.

And now there is the sequel. The movie assumes you still know the characters, but after so many years I recognised their faces but had forgotten what had happened to them. The movie tries to give some information about it, but for many viewers this won’t be sufficient. The “Dame to Kill For” in this case is Ava (Eva Green). A femme fatale who uses men to reach her own goals. Just like the original movie this film tells a couple of separate stories. One of them is about Johnny (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who is a gambler who meets the wrong man and has to face the consequences of that. Although the story seems interesting initially, the ending wasn’t satisfying. It isn’t the only story where that’s the case as I had that feeling for most of the film.

Review Sin City a Dame to Kill For

There are a couple reasons for that. The style, which felt so fresh in 2005, still looks beautiful but here it seems to have only been used to make it look good without there being any content underneath. The dialogue is often laughable and the constant voiceovers start to bore quickly (I don’t know how many times you get to hear how it felt to be hit by someone). In the original character Marv was one of the highlights, but here he simply doesn’t have the same charisma (and his makeup also doesn’t look as good). Jessica Alba plays her role of stripper Nancy again, but it doesn’t fit with the rest of the film. When Eva Green bares it all and everything in the movie is about sex then the couple of dances she does feel extremely tame. Her story doesn’t kick into gear until the last part of the movie, but wasn’t too interesting. The highlight is Eva Green, who acts great, but it isn’t enough to save the movie. I had high expectations, but these unfortunately weren’t met. The style of the original is still there, but the heart has disappeared.

12 thoughts on “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)

  1. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I loved the first one, and had high hopes for this one, but it just didn’t match up. I blame Brolin for a lot of it. He didn’t have the charisma Clive Owen did.

    At least Joseph Gordon-Levitt was good.

    • I don’t think it is Brolin, the movie itself just didn’t feel as compelling and the stories didn’t captivate. Also the style felt very inconsistent with for example glasses being white in one shot and see through the next.

  2. I liked the movie more than you did – yeah it was nowhere near the level of the first one but I thought Green alone saved the film, glad that at least you enjoyed her work!

  3. Best argument of this film, Nostra, and you make it so succinctly: if Eva Green can get her gear off, why not Jessica Alba?

    Honestly though, this film seemed to lack the heart and soul of the original. The content felt contrived, the story lacked oomph, and the overkill direction from Rodriguez (while expected) added nothing of note. Bummer.

  4. I’ve read very similar reviews to yours about this movie, Nostra. I imagine I need to see the 2005 one first, and that I probably won’t even bother with this sequel!

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