Wild Tales (2014)

Review Wild Tales

In general short movies don’t get too much attention and I have to admit I’m guilty of that too. I sporadically might watch one when it is suggested by other blogs, but that’s about it. There are movies though which basically collect a couple and that way manage to get noticed, like Paris and New York, I Love You or Movie 43 (which was horrible). Wild Tales also consists out of various short movies, but is this collection worth checking out?

Review Wild Tales

To immediately answer that question: Absolutely. The title perfectly covers its subject matter, because the stories being told here are bizarre, dark and at the same time injected with lots of dark humour. Almost all the six stories deal met vengeance and frustration and shows to what kind of extremes that can lead. Examples are a case of road rage, a man getting frustrated by the bureaucratic system or a wedding which doesn’t exactly go as planned. It is a movie which manages to get you to the edge of your seat and make you stay there, wondering what the next short story will bring.

Review Wild Tales

To me this Argentinian movie is one of the most surprising movie of the year with its dark, but at the same time funny way of presenting its tales. You can sense the criticism of some pieces towards society in the same way a movie like Falling Down managed to do. Wild Tales is a movie you have to make sure you see and I’m already certain that it will end up high in my top 10 of 2014.

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