Interstellar (2014)

Review Interstellar

If there was one movie in the past year (besides the Interview) about which a whole lot of things were written, it was Interstellar. After its release my mailbox and Feedly were flooded with reviews, news articles and pieces which tried explaining the theory behind the movie. It was an overload of information and at the time I didn’t feel like adding too much.

review Interstellar

I can agree with most of the criticism the movie received. The movie did have many moments in which things weren’t logical, the emotional aspect didn’t always work as well as it should have and specific characters could have gotten more development/backstory, but despite that I still thought it was a very impressive movies. The reason is that Christopher Nolan has succeeded in bringing a visually convincing world to the screen and explaining complex scientific concepts in a simple, understandable way. The concept of relativity is not easy to comprehend, but he managed to make it accessible.

review Interstellar

It is something which has always fascinated me and after seeing the movie I immediately felt like getting to know more about relativity and the concept of other dimensions. Interstellar made me watch the Cosmos TV series and even when watching Predestination I saw links with this movie. Is Interstellar a movie you should have seen? Yes, but this doesn’t automatically mean you will think it is a great movie. It will make you think though and if it inspires people to choose for a career in science (which I can imagine it doing), then it isn’t really important what someone thinks of a movie.

5 thoughts on “Interstellar (2014)

  1. Hmm. I’m still yet to see this. I’m undecided as to what level of expectation to go into it with. I like the career path McConnaughey has chosen of late, he’s turning into a real solid actor.

    • Well, knowing it is a Nolan movie I guess it is impossible to go in not expecting a whole lot 🙂 I like McConnaughey’s choices as well, although I have to admit he didn’t wow me as much in this as in other roles. Maybe that’s because I had just seen True Detective in which I think he gave one of the best performances of the year.

  2. Pingback: Review: Cosmos (2014) - My Filmviews

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