The Monday Question: Special features!

The Monday Question

With a big part of customers slowly moving away from buying physical movies and watching them digitally through services like iTunes and Netflix something which was a big selling point for the physical formats were the special features and commentary tracks. The digital services usually only offer the movie itself, with no further access if you would like to know more about a specific film.

This week’s question:
Do you miss special features when it comes to watching movies digitally?

14 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Special features!

  1. I DO!
    I still buy Blu-Ray for film that have lots of special contents (esp criterion releases), but there are films that are hard to acquired and only available (or accessible) through iTunes for me.

    • Nice to hear…personally I hardly ever watch them, unless it really interests me. Then again…I recently got The Boxtrolls and the DVD didn’t have the extra’s I was interested in, which I then found on Youtube 😉

    • Me too, even though I feel some might be interesting (like the commentary soundtrack), I basically feel it’s usually a waste of time in which I could watch another film.

  2. Yes, I do. Commentary tracks are not always stellar, but do show aspects of filmmaking that are quite interesting in general and in particular to the film being screened.

  3. I don’t watch films through streaming services. If it’s a film I love and the DVD/Blu-Ray has some cool features. I’ll get it. I’ll still buy physical products because of that.

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