The Monday Question: Favorite sequel!

The Monday Question

Each year it seems like a million new sequels are getting made. The reasoning behind making them is solid: You’ve had success with a film and want to recapture it in order to make more money with it. Unfortunately that often means something which simply doesn’t live up to what came before. However there are movies where the sequel is just as good or even is better than the original movie. This week’s question:

What is your favorite sequel?

20 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Favorite sequel!

  1. The Godfather Part II, The Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight, Aliens, Terminator 2, Bride of Frankenstein, Blade II, X-Men 2, Die Hard with a Vengeance, The Winter Soldier…I could go on, but I’ll stop there.

  2. I’ve long been a fan of Peter Hyams’ well executed, ‘2010’. And its picking up where Kubrick left off with ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’.

    Neat, streamlined plot. Superb model work, considering that Hyams and company had to work from original photos after Kubrick destroyed his earlier sets. Excellent, clunky Special Effects as well.

    Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ is a stand alone. Opposite Howard Hawks’ 1950s original, ‘The Thing From Another World’. Can’t beat ‘Godfather: Part II’ for continuation of tale. Also of the Aussie made, Time Traveling Tim Thomerson as Trooper/Cop/Private Eye, Jack Deth. In the ‘Trancers’ franchise.

    And as far as I am concerned. There are only three ‘Star Wars’ films. Chapters IV through VI.

  3. There are quite a few but from last year alone, I LOVE Capt America: The Winter Soldier, How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes!

    • Yes! I didn’t like the original Captain America, but thought the sequel was awesome. How to Train Your Dragon 2 was even better than the original and Dawn was cool too.

  4. Pingback: FAWM SONG: Crazy Boat (from “Harry Moffer & the Really Stupid Sequel”) | Stories in 5 Minutes

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