The Monday Question: TV shows in the cinema?

The Monday Question

Something which has become a big phenomenon, thanks to services like Netflix, is binge watching. A complete season of a show is released in its entirety and the viewer just keeps watching episode after episode, usually finishing it within a weekend. After reading a lot of good things about Daredevil last week over at Flixchatter and Fernby Films I had to give this one a chance. I started watching on Tuesday and I think I’ve only got about three episodes left. So I indulged quite a bit, but for good reason as the show is awesome. I’ll review it once I have finished it.

With the whole binge watching phenomenon I started thinking about watching these shows with a bigger audience. As a lot of these shows usually consist of about 13 episodes, you would be able to go to the cinema in the morning and binge watch it in the cinema, sharing that experience, allowing to talk about it with other like minded people. It’s an idea I quite like.

Would you like to be able to binge watch a TV show in a cinema?

12 thoughts on “The Monday Question: TV shows in the cinema?

  1. Wow, good luck to the staff of whatever cinema decided to do that! LOL!

    I think binge-cinema-watching TV shows could be an awesome idea, because most worthwhile shows these days are of a quality worthy of the big screen (GoT, Dardevil, etc). Smaller season shows would be the go (can’t imagine 24 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy getting much of a draw!) and perhaps guest speakers could break up each episode! Nice idea my friend!

    • Well, it would be the same as a festival I guess…so it wouldn’t be that bad I recon.

      Exactly, TV shows are now of the same (or even higher) quality than movies as it allows more depth in characters/story. Maybe I should contact some local cinema chains to give them this idea 😉

  2. As I just finished bingeing on a fantastic show BORGIA, which I’m sure would look spectacular on the big screen, the answer is YES! I’d LOVE to be able to talk about it afterwards too, as right now, not many people have seen that show so it’s tough to have to keep things to myself.

    • Yeah, it would add a sense of community and the big fans of specific shows could even dress up as specific characters (depending on the show of course)

  3. Late in answering, but I would not be big fan of binge watching in cinema. Each person is different and there are only so many shows you can watch in a row. I think the appeal of binge watching at home is you control the pace. For me personally, the most number of hour long shows I have watched in a row is three.

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