The Many Faces of… Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac was born on March 9, 1979 in Guatemala and was raised in Miami. He played in a band named Blinking Underdogs. At school he usually got into quite a bit of trouble as he liked to do things which weren’t allowed. He studied drama in New York and graduated in 2005. His first major movie role was in The Nativity Story. In Robin Hood he played King John. Other movies he acted in were Drive and The Bourne Legacy. Inside Llewyn Davis meant his breakthrough and he has since has been doing impressive roles in movies like Ex Machina and A Most Violent Year. He will also play a role in the upcoming Star Wars and X-Men: Apocalypse movies.

Oscar Isaac
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What’s your favourite Oscar Isaac role?

14 thoughts on “The Many Faces of… Oscar Isaac

  1. Right now, it’s Inside Llewyn Davis as he was great in that as I also liked him in Ex Machina, Drive, and was one of the few highlights in Sucker Punch along with Abbie Cornish and my darling Jena.

    • Although I didn’t like the movie I do think he was good in Inside Llewyn Davis. Loved him in Ex Machina, but somehow didn’t tune into him yet when he did his earlier roles….

  2. I was hard on Oscar Isaac because I was so disappointed with Inside Lewlyn Davis. (Even though he was great) but I’m starting to enjoy him so much more now.

  3. Isaac is such a phenomenal actor! Glad to see his star continue to rise. He’s so versatile and he’s got a certain look that made him suitable to play pretty much ANY ethnicity, that’s always a plus for any actor.

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