My Filmviews Top 100 Films: 40-31

My Filmviews Top 100 40-31

The countdown continues! This weak the numbers 40 to 31 and I noticed while making the list that it’s get more difficult to order these as you get closer towards the top 10.

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40. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Diving Bell and the Butterfly[/mlprx]
There are some movies which manage to make a deep impression. This is one of those films. It’s based on a true story about an editor working for the French version of Elle, Jean-Dominique Bauby (Mathieu Amalric), who becomes completely paralysed after an accident. His only way to communicate is by blinking with one of his eyes. It’s a tale that is both inspiring as it is dramatic. With his one eye and a lot of patience he managed to write a whole book (which I immediately purchased after watching this)[My review]

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39. Burden of Dreams

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What Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse was for Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, that is what Burden of Dreams is for Werner Herzogs Fitzcarraldo. The movie Fitzcarraldo is one which probably wouldn’t be made today. At least not in the way director Werner Herzog did. It’s about a man who wants to pull a ship over a mountain in order to secure rights to a property, but this documentary shows that Herzog wanted to actually pull this off in reality. Actors left the set, there were huge arguments between Herzog and Klaus Kinski (the locals even offered Herzog to kill him) and war in the area had a huge impact on the production. Those were actually only a few of the issues and Burden of Dreams has documented all of it. [My review]

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38. Wages of Fear

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Wages of Fear[/mlprx]
With Sorcerer William Friedkin made his own version of the story about a dangerous journey of two trucks filled with highly explosive trucks travelling through the jungle, but I’ve always preferred the version made by Henri-Georges Clouzot. More time is spent on setting the scene and getting to know the characters and on the journey itself, in which the smallest vibration could make the trucks explode. Its ending is one you don’t see often. [My review]

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37. Psycho

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Psycho[/mlprx]
I’m a huge fan of Hithcocks work and this is one of my favourites. Of course not only because of its classic shower scene, but also for the fact that he changes his main character halfway through the film. The movies looks awesome and Anthony Perkinds, in his role as Norman Bates, gives a once in a lifetime performance which has made the character one that will be remembered. [My review]

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36. The Departed

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]The Departed[/mlprx]
It doesn’t happen often that a remake is better than the original, but this is the case of this one. Martin Scorcese remade the Chinese movie Infernal Affairs and did so successfully. A tighter story and great acting by Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio en Jack Nicholson make this a breath taking crime thriller.

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35. The Raid

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]The Raid[/mlprx]
One of the best action movies from the last couple of years (I thought The Raid 2 was a bit disappointing). A movie which feels like a videogame, which in this case is a compliment. The action is violent, but feels fresh as well. [My review]

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34. When Harry Met Sally

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Leon[/mlprx]
The number of romantic comedies in this top 100 is extremely small, but this is one that I couldn’t leave out. The classic story about two friends who through time start to get closer is funny and the interviews at the beginning and end of this movie heartwarming (and funny).

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33. Old Boy

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Old Boy[/mlprx]
Choi Min-Sik gives a stunning performance in something many consider to be the ultimate revenge flick. This South Korean production doesn’t only have a shocking story, but has moments that are unique/violent. A living squid is eaten alive and the main character defends himself with a hammer. The final revelation might be one of the most surprising ever. [My review]

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32. City of God

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]City of God[/mlprx]
The fact that South America also produces classic movies is something director Fernando Meirelles proves with City of God. The story about how a couple of kids from the favelas grow up committing crime is emotionally exhausting and gives you a good idea about the issues in these poor Brazilian neighbourhoods.

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31. My Neighbour Totoro

[/mlprx][mlprx effect=”fadeInRight” delay=”450″]Totoro[/mlprx]
My favourite Ghibli film, a story which perfectly captures the imaginary world kids could make up and to me is pure joy. An animation masterpiece. [My review]

Which of these movies have you seen?

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17 thoughts on “My Filmviews Top 100 Films: 40-31

  1. I’ve seen 32, 33, 35-37, and 40. All of them could potentially be in my own top 100. Most pleasantly surprised to see The Raid here since it is just pure action. Such movies tend to get overlooked. I really enjoyed the sequel as well, but agree it’s not as good as the first.

    • Nice to hear that Wendell 🙂 Yeah, The Raid is pure action, but deserves to be mentioned because it is extremely good in what it does.

  2. Ha ha, you’re a braver man than I, doing a top 100. I lack the courage to make the tough calls in this respect. 😉

    Glad to see The Raid in there. And City of God was bloody fantastic.

    • Well, it only took me a couple of years to finally do it and already have many entries I thought of later which aren’t in it. But I do love all the movies in the list.

  3. Opnieuw een mooie lijst met heel veel films die ik nog niet heb gezien! 🙂 The Departed is trouwens wel een van mijn favorieten. Geweldig hoe Jack Nicholson in deze film zijn rol invult.

    • Dank je Paul, weer genoeg films dus om op je “to watch lijst” te zetten….verwacht natuurlijk recensies! 😉

      Ja, in The Departed is Nicholson zeer goed.

  4. Like Wendell, it’s great seeing an action film up on your list. Think there are so few well crafted action films, but they tend to get overlooked as they are “just” an action film.

    Gonna catch up on the list so far – epic, Nostra!

    • Thanks Jaina, I could not leave it out as it’s one of the best action movies in existence in my opinion. Nice to hear you will (or have) look(ed) at the rest of the list. Next installment will be up soon!

  5. Pingback: Everybody’s Chattin’ + Question of the Week: Favorite French Film(s) |

    • Nope 🙂 This is my personal favourites list, the movies I enjoy watching most. So no film school needed. You’ll probably love seeing the grade I gave Kung Fury.

  6. I have seen most of these except Burden of Dreams, My Neighbor Totoro and Wages of Fear. Though I loved The Raid, I’m a little bit surprised to see it so far up in your all-time list. I also share your thoughts on its disappointing sequel (my thoughts on it on my upcoming monthly round-up).
    I also liked City of God quite a bit, but I don’t know if I’d put ahead of some other entries in your list. In fact, of the ones you selected I probably like The Diving Bell and the Butterfly the best, and would likely feature on my own list.
    Great list! I’m going to catch up on the previous entries now!

    • I like the feedback hearing that people are surprised that some titles are so high in the list, but I’ve really thought about it and compared which movies I’d rather watch if I had to choose. That way some titles moved higher onto the list compared to others. Yeah, The Raid sequel had some cool moments, but it lost the purity of the original in my opinion. Please let me know what you think of the other entries!

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