The Monday Question: What are some “dead” movieblogs you miss?

The Monday Question

During one of the previous Monday Questions Paragraph Film Reviews suggested asking a question to which every blogger who has been around for a couple of years will be able to answer easily:

What are some “dead” movieblogs you miss?

It’s a question I don’t even have to think very long about.

Front Room Cinema
The first one that came to mind is Front Room Cinema, which was run by Scott Lawlor. Scott was such an active blogger, who never seemed to sleep as he also visited and commented on a very high number of other movie blogs. Always cool to talk with and I really miss his awesome blog. The site itself is not available anymore.

When I would receive an email notification that Jessica from The Velvet Cafe had posted something new I was always excited to read her work. With her background in journalism her pieces were written very well and made you think. The last post on The Velvet Café is in February and I sincerly hope she’ll pick it up again.

There are a couple other ones (which also appeared in my Moviesite Spotlight series), but these two are for me the ones that really stand out.

What are some “dead” movieblogs you miss?

25 thoughts on “The Monday Question: What are some “dead” movieblogs you miss?

  1. Oh man, I miss Scott too. I’m friends with him on FB and he seems quite happy *not* blogging any more, with his kids and stuff, but he’s still watching movies so he hasn’t left completely.

    The one I miss was Sam Fragoso’s old blog (the name of which escapes me) before he went over and started Movie Mezzanine. Unfortunately, he’s become lost a bit in MM’s swamp of content, but he’s a solid writer and I wish he’d pick up the solo gig again now that he’s hitting the big time.

  2. I miss updates from: Bonjour Tritesse, Tyler from Southern Vision , Mette at Lime reviews, Jessica at The Velvet Cafe, SDG from U, Me and Films, 3guys1movie, Dan Heaton at ptsnob, and Adam Cook(on letterboxd).

  3. I definitely miss Scott! He’s not just a great blogger but he’s got such a warm personality that I consider him a friend (like you Nostra). I also miss Castor from Anomalous Material and Dan from Fogs Movie Reviews. But I understand people can’t keep blogging forever.

  4. Whatever happened to Castor and Anomalous Material? I do miss the “community” spirit there.

    Like others, I also miss Scott and FRC. It’s a shame both these websites aren’t even available as archives as there was some great content.

  5. Interesting to see what everyone liked and misses! My sites would be…

    – Fog’s Movie Reviews for the community he built
    – CTCMR – Aiden had almost identical taste in films to me, was interesting to read some ‘ghost written’ reviews.
    – Michael Bay is the Antichrist – for my arthouse cinema needs. Had some good writers that could cover ‘deep’ films with accessibility.

  6. I definitely miss Scott’s FRC since he wrote not just about films but home theater technologies. I also contributed a few articles to his site.

    Castor’s site was fun to visit too!

  7. Very cool idea Nostra.

    Velvet Cafe and Bonjour Tristesse were both mentioned and they are high on my list as well. 3 Guys 1 Movie was also a lot of fun.

  8. Scott and Castor allowed me the privilege of reviewing and guest posting on their sites years ago. “Top Ten Femme Fatales” for Scott. And ‘The Big Combo” and “Rolling Thunder” for Castor.

    Both were enthusiastic, friendly, knowing, professional and incredibly supportive of a Noob with opinions so many other shared.

    Fogs has a flair for approaching films obliquely. And is funnier than Hell!

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