The Monday Question: Do you still buy physical movies?

The Monday Question

As the uptake and availability of streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and various others increases, more and more people are now watching all their media through them. With such a huge catalogue of titles available and the fact that most people don’t watch that many movies they don’t feel like it’s necessary to go to a shop (or an online store) just to buy a movie. For a price that’s less than one DVD or Bluray you have hundreds or thousands of movies and TV shows at your fingertips. I too find this convenience wonderful and whereas I used to buy movies on a weekly basis I now do so much less frequently. The last physical purchase I’ve made this year was a boxset of Werner Herzog films, but other things I have bought were usually VOD titles.

This week’s question:
Do you still buy physical movies?

15 thoughts on “The Monday Question: Do you still buy physical movies?

    • That’s a nice collection with quite a few movies I haven’t seen yet. I don’t care much about extras and packaging anymore so that’s why I don’t miss owning/buying lots of new movies.

  1. Yep, I most definitely do. The whole online thing is only starting to catch on here, but I still loving having a big collection on my shelves to choose from.

  2. I still buy more discs than I should, but like you it’s a whole lot less. Where I live I can only stream up to 720p on a good day so any film that would benefit from BD, I’ll usually buy when the price comes down. Also, if your internet connection goes down you’re totally screwed so I like having a backup.

    Finally, for films I like, or want to re-watch I’ll usually want to dig around the special features etc which you rarely get on VoD services. Total for this year – maybe around 40-50 Discs (used to be 100s)

    • I can imagine that if you are looking for the highest quality BD still is the way to go. It is a shame that special features are not available on most platforms although I personally don’t miss them.

  3. Yes, though much less. I really enjoy watching the making-of in some of the purchases I make, and I cannot find those on streaming services. Also, not all streaming services have all available films.

  4. Sadly, not any more. Mostly down to not being able to actually buy them or have anything to view them on where I’m living currently. Digital all the way.

    I do miss not having my Blu-ray/DVDs though – simply being able to just “put something on”. Ah well.

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