The Monday Question: What are the must visit movieblogs at the moment for you?

The Monday Question

The last year my activities on this blog have been a bit less compared to the years before. Main reason was putting more time into the dutch version of the site (which has payed off), but it meant I wasn’t able to write as much and visit other blogs as much as I used to. I’m still visiting some of the ones I used to, but don’t know which worthwhile new blogs have popped up lately. So that’s the question this week:

What are the must visit movieblogs at the moment for you?

10 thoughts on “The Monday Question: What are the must visit movieblogs at the moment for you?

  1. Wow, that’s a toughie. Just now able to catch up with with my reading yours, Flixchatter, and several others are some I’ve been reading for a long time. But several new ones have also become favorites. Lots of good material out there.

  2. Definitely trying to catch up on a lot of newbies…this inspires me to make a post of my favorite bloggers to raise awareness!! BUT, if I have to pick one (besides you, duh) I’m going to have to go with Margaret at Cinematic Corner 🙂

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