19 ways you can see if you are a movie blogger


The world of movieblogs is an ever growing one. There are thousands of people who are passionate about films and who write about them with a lot of enthusiasm, love and passion on their blogs. But when do you know when you are a real movie blogger? Here are a couple of (not always serious) things which every movieblogger will recognise.

You know you’re a movie blogger when you:

1. Spend more timing writing and reading about movies instead of actually watching them.

2. Before turning on your computer you first dim the lights, turn off your phone, open the curtains in front of the screen and make sure that there is no one around who might distract you.


3. Have several to watch lists which instead of getting smaller only keeps growing because you read about great tips on other movie blogs.

4. Also have that problem with the stack of movies you own which you still have not watched.

5. Don´t organise your day in hours, but in the number of movies you can see in that time.

6. Are a member of the LAMB (even if you haven’t visited it in years)

7. Check your blog as often as you can to see if you have new comments.

8. Are telling others that you don’t care much about the number of views you get, but secretly you do and check them regularly.

Imdb App

9. Use the IMDB app/website daily.

10. Actually would like to give up your day job so you can spend more time on movies.

11. See other people come up to you to ask you if you’ve seen any great movies lately (while you wonder why they haven’t read your blog or else they would know)

12. Can’t wait for the next Oscars.

13. Have a cinema room or dream about having one

14. Always check if there are any movie related places you can visit during your holiday so you can write about them on your blog.

Batman v superman recensie

15. Know that after watching a bad movie that you’ll have more fun writing about it than watching it.

16. Have a whole lot of movie related ideas in your drafts posts, but never seem to find enough time to actually finish them.

17. Have a moment where you have nothing to do and immediately either open up your blog to do something or watch a couple of minutes of a movie.

18. Secretly want to write movie reviews for a newspaper, magazine or a big company

19. Read lists like this to see if you really are a movie blogger.

Which ones would you add?

12 thoughts on “19 ways you can see if you are a movie blogger

  1. I can say that I am but I have no desire to write for any kind of publication that is likely to compromise my work. Plus, I don’t own a cell phone.

    • I understand that that might be a reason not to want to do that. I have to admit that having done some articles where others first wanted to read it before publishing that it can be a bit frustrating sometimes.

      I guess I would be able to do without a cellphone as well…

    • Well, I’ve started one in the Netherlands, but that isn’t international. I don’t know any others besides the Lamb and I don’t really use it anymore ever since the Lammies ceased.

  2. Fun post Nostra! Absolutely agree w/ #1, I feel like I had watched certain films/series that I haven’t, as I’ve read so much about it, ahah. Very true about #15 too, and that BVS pic you had on there is a great example!

  3. Guilty as charged!!!! Everything except the Oscars. Did laugh at the LAMB one too… Don’t think I’ve ever actually participated in anything other than the original Q&A post!

    Also, between my shelves of DVDs/BDs / Amazon / Netflix and DVR my list of ‘to watch’ films is now actually disgusting. I’d probably need to be signed off work for a year to catch up with them all!!!

    • Hahaha, I’ve removed the LAMB as the only thing I was active for were the awards and once those suddenly stopped I didn’t bother anymore and also removed the logo from my blog. To me it was the big thing pulling everyone together.

      Yeah, I could do with a couple of months of work in order to catch up!

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