Perfetti Sconosciuti (2016) – Review

review perfetti sconosciuti

In a relationship you share everything with each other and trust that the other person will keep some secrets from everyone else. That other person might be your partner, but it could also be one of your best friends. When a group of 7 friends meet up in order to dine and watch the eclipse of the moon there is one woman in the group who suggests to play a game: Everyone will put their cell phone on the table. Each phone call will be on speaker and each and every message that is received will be read out loud. The idea behind it is that your phone in of the most personal devices which sometimes might hide huge secrets. Not everyone is happy to join in, but group pressure eventually wins and the game begins. The end result is an evening where a lot of happens and emotions come up which might challenge some of the relationships.

review perfetti sconosciuti

Perfetti Sconosciuti (Perfect Strangers) is a small, intimate movie which is mainly set in a house. Director Paolo Genovese manages to create an intimate atmosphere with his cast and as the evening progresses the tone gets more grim and the emotions bubble up. The revelations the phones bring to the group have a huge impact. Whether that’s the fact that one of the women wants to have plastic surgery or someone who has been hiding secret messages from everyone. It makes this movie an interesting experiment, where the final part of the movie might disappoint some. After seeing this though you will have some interesting conversations about your phone with the people you have seen it with.

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