Comfort (2016) – Review

Recensie Comfort

Each year I organise a filmblog get together in the Netherlands during which I rent out a cinema screen so movie bloggers can meet each other, watch a movie together, battle each other during a movie quiz and basically have a great day. Last year I decided to show this movie. Like last year’s title, It’s Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong, it’s a movie which wasn’t released in the Netherlands so it was a first showing. This wasn’t the only similarity, as this movie also is about two people meeting and getting to know each other while they are struggling with some issues. But why did I like this movie so much and chose to show it?

Review Comfort

The story revolves around Cameron (Christopher Dinh), who has a job as a courier at night, driving through the streets of Los Angeles. During one of his jobs he’s asked to deliver a package to a client, businessman Martin (Kelvin Han Yee). Once he’s delivered it Martin asks him if he can pick up his daughter Jasmine (Julie Zhan) from the airport as he’s to busy himself to do it. When he meets her the first moments are awkward, but slowly they get to know each other more and they slowly start forming a bond while they explore L.A. at night.

“connection between Cameron and Jasmine managed to move me…”

When another blogger suggested me to check out this film I contacted director William Lu who was very kind to provide me a screener. It’s a movie which does have its issues (some continuity shots or moments which feel out of tone), but where the core of the story, the connection between Cameron and Jasmine managed to move me. These are two characters who both have their own problem and have to get out of their comfort zone in order to make their life better. That’s exactly what they help each other to do, even though that sometimes turns out to be hard. Both Christopher Dinh and Julie Zhan are convincing in their roles and you really get a sense of chemistry between their characters. With it’s sometimes funny, but also emotional moments Comfort made me feel something and that’s the reason I picked out this film to show at the event. I again want to that William Lu for the very pleasant contact and providing the film (and promotional material). Definitely a film which you should give a chance.

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