Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) – Review

Review Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
Sequels should only be made if you actually have a good idea that could work. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is an example of a movie where this obviously isn’t the case. After the park went out of control in the previous movie, the island has been abandoned and the dinosaurs lived as free animals. As that isn’t an interesting setup for a movie, they are now threathened by a vulcano on the island that will wipe them out once again. Problem solved you could say, but the government is thinking about rescuing them and not letting them go extinct. Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) is running the Dinosaur Protection Group in support of this plan. When the government decides against rescue, she is approached by Benjamin Lockwood who has a plan to relocate the dinosaurs to a new location where they can live “in peace”. She must convince Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) to join her. Once she does, they head to Isla Nublar and things don’t exactly go as planned.

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom review

Jurassic World kind of worked because of the fact that it did what the first Jurassic Park film did. It introduced a new world which you thought was impossible and see characters responding in awe. Once everything goes wrong, you care for the characters to survive. This sequel basically has to think of a way to get the dinosaurs of the island (because why would anyone still want to get there) and decides that it’s a good idea to mix in an evil corporation, who basically wants to sell the dinosaurs as weapons (once of the least convincing details from the previous film). It’s still about characters trying to survive, but everything here feels so forced and as the characters Pratt and Howard play really have next to no personality (or development) it is hard to care at all about what is happening. One ridiculous moment is followed by another, all to create forced moments that are supposed to be thrilling, but never are.

“Moments that supposed to be thrilling almost had me laughing …”

 To be honest I really had a hard time finishing this film, it is that bad. but it has a big budget and some setpieces to try and fool you into thinking this is an A-film. Suddenly the viewer is supposed to care about Blue (the dinosaur that was raised by Owen), but except that color there really isn’t any reason why you should care about it when almost every other dinosaur is trying to eat everything it sees. Moments that supposed to be thrilling almost had me laughing at how unbelievable they were (like a dinosaur trying to find a little girl). I must admit that idea of the ending sounds interesting, but I hope the writers doing the script for another (inevitable) sequel will come up with better ideas to make it interesting.


4 thoughts on “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) – Review

  1. Great review! I had a good time watching this at the cinema but I won’t see it again in a hurry. It was ridiculous to the point I was laughing during the last 30 minutes at moments which I assume weren’t meant to be funny…

    • Thanks Allie 🙂

      Yeah, I was watching those last 3o minutes like that as well…I simply couldn’t believe it. For example, they have that gun, which will make that dinosaur go wherever you point it and you decide it is a good idea to aim it at Pratt? Just point it so that the dinosaur will jump off the roof, keep the laser pointed and get away. No, the movie had to think of something stupid to make it more exciting (and stupid). And the way that the dinosaur was shot hunting the kid and moving over the roof could be interesting if it was a horror film, but here it felt weird for it to do that.

  2. I think I forgot to switch off my brain whilst watching this one: it’s pretty bad as a film, with logic problems and poor characters to follow, I really didn’t like it as much as I may have when I was younger. I think the film works more for fourteen and fifteen year olds but for somebody with a lengthy career of watching cinema behind him, this is just a mess. Great review mate!

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