Hokus Pokus Albert Åberg (2013)

Review Hokus pokus Albert Åberg

The majority of the movies made for children play out in huge worlds with lots of adventure. Of course all that spectacle is beautiful for children, but can be a bit too much for the smallest ones. There might be too much happening or it might be a bit too exciting for them which means that as a parent there aren’t too many movies you can take them to. Hokus Pokus Albert Åberg is a film which you can take them to as it is something even the smallest ones will like.

Review Hokus pokus Albert Åberg

The movie is based on a well-known Swedish series of books and is about 7 year old Albert Åberg. He lives together with his father in an apartment and would really like to get a real dog. His father tells him this isn’t possible. During a stroll they meet a friend of his father who has a dog and Albert loves playing with it. He agrees with that he can come by and walk the dog whenever he wants. The fact that his owner can do magic is something Albert think is fantastic. Would he be able to use his magic to make him a dog?

Review Hokus pokus Albert Åberg

This movie has been drawn in a simple and colourful way and has various infectious songs which the kids will love. The issues Alfred has to face are the consequences of doing something behind someone’s back, dealing with other children taking something of him and getting it back and how to handle disappointment when being told he can’t get something.

This is a movie which never gets too exciting and the children watching it learn about being honest and the consequences of the choices they make. It is a very enjoyable film which stands out amongst all the “standard” animated films.

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