The Moviesite Spotlight: FrontRoomCinema

So a new year and a new feature on Wednesdays, The Moviesite Spotlight. Every week I read a lot of great movie related blogs and I thought it was time to give the ones I visit regularly a chance to shine in the spotlight, by interviewing its writers. This week it’s Scott from FrontRoomCinema.

What’s the history of your site, why did you start it?

Front Room Cinema started in January last year. I had always wanted to have a blog/website but really didn’t know where to start. Originally FRC was going to be a business in the local area selling and installing Home Cinema Systems. But as the weeks and month went on it has morphed into what it is today. I didn’t plan for it to change more into a Film blog that is based around home cinema. It grew like me into a completely different animal.
I am not complaining though. I love where FRC is today, I love reading about film and writing about my experiences in the quest for more knowledge of the medium.

What makes your movie blog different from the other ones out there?

Hmm, this is a tough question. I don’t know if I do stand out from the crowd. I guess the fact that I am not a film student, or even a film snob, makes me a little different? I don’t know. I always write from the heart and try to keep it personal. Sometimes I wish I did know more about how films are made or the history of cinema, but I suppose there are lots of people doing that. Oh and of course there are Tech Tuesdays!! Everything you every need to know, and some you didn’t about Home Cinema.

What do enjoy most about your site and what is the reason you keep doing it?

The thing I enjoy the most is waking up in the morning and seeing that I have an email inbox full of new comments. It still brings a smile to my face even now. It is such a lovely feeling to know that someone has read, or even just visited your website. It makes all of the effort I put in worth while. SO THANKS GUYS!!

In which ways has your blogging changed the way you watch movies?

Yes and No. I must admit I do tend to watch films from a more objective view than I used to. I tend to see if they work first, whether the latest thriller actually does thrill, or was it transparent? Does it make sense narratively? And so on… I do this before I look at whether I actually enjoyed it. So yea I guess I have become more critical, but I think this was inevitable.

What’s your favorite article you have written?

My favourite article probably will always be this one…

Midweek Mumbling – Why is loving Film such an expensive hobby?

It got featured on IMDb Hitlist, which was a big deal for me. Shame it hasn’t since…

Could you name five of your all time favorite movies?

This is in no particular order OK?

Fight Club

Apocalypse Now




I have just realised that my Top 5 are all fairly recent. I need to start watching OLDER films I think

How many movies do you watch on average each week?

I tend to watch between 3-5. But FRC is starting to get press check disks sent through now and also more preview screenings of new cinema releases, so this has gone up a little. Plus we have the Brighton (my home city) Film Festival coming up which will be pretty intense.

Do you own any movie related items that you are very proud of?

Only my Home Cinema set up. It isn’t POSH or HIGH END but it is very comfy and there is nothing like watching a film on a 92” screen!! Other than that no, I am not a fan of memorabilia or clothing. I try to hide my inner geek.

Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Nostra for hosting me in this great feature, and also thank all my readers and regulars. You know who you are. And Tyler, put the toilet seat down when you leave please!!

27 thoughts on “The Moviesite Spotlight: FrontRoomCinema

  1. What a great initiative and I agree witht he previous commenter that FRC is a good place to start. Your questions are well chosen as well. I look forward to get to know more about the bloggers I follow. While they share their thoughts continously, many of them are too humble to talk about themselves. Someone need to poke them like this. Thank you for doing it!

  2. I have been looking forward to this feature for ages. Seems like a life time ago that I submitted the answers…


    We have been featured on the IMDb Hitlist again since we did this interview….
    Also my local film fest has been and gone now… a brilliant experience

    Thanks for asking me to get involved with this one Nostra. You are a gent and a scholar.

    I tip my hat in your general direction…

    • December was a very busy month for me, so I didn’t manage to start the feature sooner. Thanks for participating and kicking things of for this new feature.

  3. Great interview and very interesting to hear the background on FRC (which is a fantastic site to browse). congratulations to both Scott on FRC’s success and also Nostra for another fantastic feature.

  4. It has been fantastic seeing FRC grow over the last year and getting to know Scott a little during that time. I’m sure Scott and FRC is destined for a great year in 2012!

    Great feature Nostra – glad it has got under way.

  5. Congrats Nostra for your new feature. And, great start for spotlighting Front Room Cinema 🙂 ‘Writing from the heart and keep it personal’, love it!

  6. Hi Nostra, what a great feature! I’m sure this will be quite the hit in the blogging world, and you couldn’t have selected a better site to start with than FRC!

  7. Great feature Nostra, and you start with the best 😀 I love FRC, the blogosphere is certainly livelier since Scott started blogging!!

    “Writing from the heart and keep it personal” is definitely a motto we all should live by!

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