The Sting (1973)

Robert Redford, Paul Newman (who already worked together in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)) and Robert Shaw star in this (IMDB top 250) movie about a couple of conmen who want to do a very big con. It’s a great heist movie which reminded me of the exact opposite of Ocean’s Eleven, as in this case the money will come to them. Continue reading

Some like it hot (1959)

Some like it hot is movie which you will see in many “best/greatest movie” lists. It was a movie which i wanted to see for a long time. Ever since the Odd Couple and Grumpy Old Men i’ve been a big fan of Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon. Because Jack Lemmon is starring in this movie, together with Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe it was a movie i had to see and which i enjoyed a lot! Continue reading

My IMDB tens (movie 6): Goodfellas (1990)

“As far back as i can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.” Goodfellas by Scorsese, a movie with one hell of a cast. Robert de Niro, Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta play some of their best roles in their career. The movie shows the life of Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) who grows up doing little jobs for the local mafia and grows in the organisation as the years progress. Of course this can’t happen without a lot of violence. Continue reading

My IMDB tens (Movie 5): Memento (2000)

Memento is a movie which, like Donnie Darko, makes you think. It’s also a movie which you shouldn’t watch when you are either tired or have troubles concentrating, because you will feel like the main character. He has no short-term memory and because of that can’t make new memories. To be able to live normally he has set up a system to make let himself know what he should do. Continue reading

My IMDB tens (movie 4): The Great Dictator (1940)

I can’t remember that I’ve watched a feature-length Charlie Chaplin movie before. Of course I knew him, as the man is an icon. This was the first movie I saw and he was a genius. A really amazing first contact with his movies.

This is the first Chaplin movie with sound, which he uses to great effect for both funny purposes as a political message for the whole world to hear. Continue reading

My IMDB tens (movie 3): District 9 (2009)

District 9 has impressed me. It’s a sci-fi movie with a very different style and story than your “standard” sci-fi movie. It shows the issues aliens are having, living in houses built from trash and not being accepted by anyone. The movie has been made for a relatively small budget (20 million), but looks great. The movie starts as a documentary, which is very original and it slowly morphs into a normal movie format. Continue reading

Donnie Darko (2001)

Donnie Darko with Jake Gyllenhaal, with some smaller roles played by Patrick Swayze and Drew Barrymore is a very memorable movie. Donnie Darko has a very original concept and ideas which force you to almost watch this movie twice before you start to understand what happened. Once you finish watching it you’ll be thinking about it, something that movies don’t manage to do very often. Continue reading

Before Sunrise (1995)

Since 2004 I’ve been rating each movie I see. At the moment that makes a total of 615 titles. From this list there are only a small number of movies that I’ve rated a 10. I can’t really make a specific order (although I do know what my favorite movie is, which I will discuss in this series as well), but will be discussing them all in the weeks to come.

The first movie is Before Sunrise, with Ethan Hawke (Jesse) and Julie Delphy (Celine). They meet in the train in Vienna and Jesse manages to get Celine to keep him company during the night he has to wait in Vienna until his plane leaves. Continue reading

Sites every movielover should use

When it comes to movie information, IMDB is the king of the hill. Whether you want to know what a movie scored, which actors play in a movie, what the memorable quotes are or any other facts, it’s the place to be.  You can cast your vote and discuss a movie on the boards, but if you want to know more about your personal movie watching behaviour, compare your vote history or want to know how many movies you have seen from the top 250 (or any other list for that matter), IMDB is lacking in this department. With the popularity of social networking, it’s a gaping hole in it’s functionality. Luckily there are some sites which do provide these functions.
The movie viewer is central to these sites, instead of the movies.
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