Primer (2004)

There are some movies, which you have to see several times in order to start understanding their stories. Examples of this are Donnie Darko and Memento. Some people call these “mindfuck” movies, as you’ll have to think quite a bit to get what the film maker wanted to say. It’s a genre which you either love or hate, as you’ll be thinking about these type of movies for days. I really love these type of movies so was looking forward to seeing Primer. Continue reading

Sucker Punch (2011)

When I first heard about this movie I thought it sounded pretty interesting. A movie with dragons, zombie nazis, samurai, robots, helicopter, beautiful women and action sounded very good. After watching about 10 seconds of the trailer I stopped watching it as I knew I just had to see this movie. I went to see it as soon as it came out. Question is whether this film is just as fantastic as it sounds? Continue reading

Tron: Legacy (2010)

Tron: Legacy was a movie that had a lot of promotion. Disney had high expectations of the sequel to the 1982 original and threw a lot of money at marketing the film. It was almost impossible to not know the movie was coming. If you didn’t see the posters, you would see the toys, the games or other products. Even when I bought my Nokia N8 it had some clips of the movie installed on it. The phone also appeared in the film itself, so it’s logical, but it does show the reach Disney has to get you to notice this film. Luckily I don’t judge movies based on their marketing and promotion, because if I would have done that this movie would have surely received a 10. Of course the most important question is whether or not Tron: Legacy is a good movie. Continue reading

Skyline (2010)

After District 9 and Monsters, Skyline is the next movie that has been made for a relatively low-budget (about 11 million, most of it spent on the special effects) and has been made almost independently from a big studio by some special effects experts.

Is Skyline the next District 9 or does this movie disappoint, just like Monsters did? Continue reading

Aliens (1986)

The original Alien movie is a masterpiece, which I’ve awarded a 10. I liked it so much because of the tense situation the crew of the Nostromo ends up in. The spaceship was made up of narrow corridors and an unknown enemy that was slowly taking out all crew members. So I was really looking forward to seeing Aliens, as I wanted to see more of those tense situations. Continue reading

The Fly (1986)

There are some movies that have scenes which you will never forget. For me The Fly is one of those movies. It tells the story of Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum), a scientist who is doing research on teleportation. He’s a genius and manages to actually make it a reality. When he decides to teleport himself it turns out he’s not the only one in the machine. As the title already suggest a fly also is present in the machine, and The Fly shows what a human/fly hybrid could be. The reason that I remember quite a lot about this movie is because of the excellent special effects and make up, which are sometimes quite gross. Continue reading

Split Second (1992)

London, an alternative 2008. Global warming has taken its toll and big parts of London have disappeared below the water. Rutger Hauer is Harley Stone, he’s a cop who lost his partner. He has been chasing his partner’s killer for a long while and he can sense when the killer is near. He likes to work alone (but as it usually goes in these type of movies) a new partner assigned to him. Harley doesn’t stop his search. The killer is still out there and when new murders occur they manage to get a lot closer to him. It turns out that the killer is not who they expect. Continue reading

Repo Men (2010)

In the not too distant future it will be possible to live longer by buying artificial organs on credit. At least, that’s the vision of the future according to this movie. When you can’t make your payments in time, you will be visited by employees of the Union, the company that sells these organs.
Remy (Jude Law) and Jake (Forest Whitaker) are the repo men of the company and they will visit people to get the organs back. So when you see them it means you won’t be in the land of the living much longer as they take the organs right on the spot. Continue reading

Eyeborgs (2009)

What’s the first thought that goes through your mind when you hear the title “Eyeborgs”? For me there were two things:
1. B-movie
2. Associations with the Terminator movies (so some science fiction)
The second point made me decide, despite point 1 to give this movie a chance. My expectations were not very high. The only well-known actor that is part of the cast is Danny Trejo and he’s only in 2 scenes if I remember correctly. Is Eyeborgs a movie worth watching? Continue reading

Mr. Nobody (2009) – Movie of the year?

What are the consequences of the choices you make? That’s the big question that’s asked in Mr. Nobody. It’s 2092 and Nemo Nobody is the last mortal man on earth. The rest of humanity has found a possibility to live forever (it’s not made clear why Nemo is not using it). At age 118 he’s big news as everyone is waiting for his death. A journalist manages to get into his room and ask him to tell about the life he has lived. Nemo starts his story and it seems like he’s not telling about his life, but about several different lives. Continue reading