The Monday Question: Favorite sequel!

The Monday Question

Each year it seems like a million new sequels are getting made. The reasoning behind making them is solid: You’ve had success with a film and want to recapture it in order to make more money with it. Unfortunately that often means something which simply doesn’t live up to what came before. However there are movies where the sequel is just as good or even is better than the original movie. This week’s question:

What is your favorite sequel?

The Monday Question: Special features!

The Monday Question

With a big part of customers slowly moving away from buying physical movies and watching them digitally through services like iTunes and Netflix something which was a big selling point for the physical formats were the special features and commentary tracks. The digital services usually only offer the movie itself, with no further access if you would like to know more about a specific film.

This week’s question:
Do you miss special features when it comes to watching movies digitally?

The Monday Question: Update!

The Monday Question

The movie industry as we all know loves to look into their past in order to take properties and make them again. This can turn out great (The Thing), but also can go horribly wrong (I think you’ll be able to think of enough examples yourself). The result is that there are a lot of complaints of there not being enough original movies being made. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but can understand that feeling. This past weekend I was listening to a Filmjunk podcast and they were discussing something which I found interesting. If there is one genre of movies which are quite dependent on technology, it is animated movies. They were talking about something which the game industry has been doing quite a lot lately, which is release “HD” versions of older games. So no changes are made to the game itself, but the graphics get a visual upgrade so they look nice on your HDTV. Their example would be applying this to the first Toy Story movie, which of course was made when the technology to render movies like this was still taking baby steps. So it would get better character models with more detailed texturing, more details in the locations with everything else left untouched (so no changes to the movements/dialogue etc.). I would be very interested in seeing something like that, but how about you?

Would you like to see movie studios update their older (CG) animated movies to current technology, so it will look better?

The Monday Question: Oscar nominations!

The Monday Question

Although I’m someone who really doesn’t care for the Oscars this is the time of year where you simply can not escape it as everyone is writing about them. So when the nomination were announced last week my mailbox was filled with them. I looked at them once and one thing stood out to me in the animation category, which was that The Lego Movie didn’t get nominated. Besides that nothing else stood out as shocking.

What were your surprises concerning the Oscar nominations?

The Monday Question: Oscar Bait!

The Monday Question

Something which I always find annoying in this period is that the movies everyone has been raving about in November/December finally show up in the cinemas here. Being patient is difficult when you really want to check out a specific movie. But that’s not what I want to ask you a question about. Many of these movies are either big historical epics or biopics. Now I’m not saying that is a bad thing (recently saw The Imitation Game and thought it was a very good movie), but I always think it is a shame that all these interesting movies are released during the same period to make sure that the Oscar voters remember them. What is you opinion about this?

What do you think of the release dates of Oscar worthy movies towards the end of the year and do you think this is only to make a bigger chance to win?

The Monday Question: Resolutions!

The Monday Question

It’s the beginning of a new year which means it is time to look ahead and ask you the question I always do to kick the year off:

What are your movie/blogging resolutions for 2015?

I will set myself the following goals:
1. Watch at least 300 movies
2. Watch all the movies I’ve chosen for the 2015 Blindspot series
3. Finish my “Lost cinemas of Rotterdam” articles as I haven’t done a couple of them yet. I’ll have to admit this is the third time in a row I’ve set myself this goal. So I really have to work on this one to finally get it done
4. Update the blog to make it responsive (to make it better readable on phones and tablets)
5. Do at least three interviews
6. Start two new blogathons
7. Create my personal top 100 movies. I’ve been working on this on and off for some years now, but want to finally finish and publish it.

The Monday Question: The Interview!

The Monday Question

If there was one movie which got more than average coverage this last few weeks it has been The Interview. Not even because of the movie itself (well, only the concept of it), but because how this movie supposedly was the reason for hacking Sony. The movie was finally released (both in cinema and VOD) just before Christmas and a lot of people have seen it. So I thought it would be a good idea to ask you:

What do you think of the controversy surrounding the movie, the way it has been released and the possible impact on movie studios releasing movies earlier through VOD?

The Monday Question: Christmas movie!

The Monday Question

Only a couple of days and Christmas is upon us. I’ve done my last Christmas shopping this past weekend, so I’m ready to go. A big part for the movie lover are of course the Christmas films. The choice is staggering, but there are always those which stand out. The reason could be because of nostalgia or simply because of movie is good. This week’s question:

What are your favorite Christmas movies that you will be watching this week?

Although I don’t know which ones I’ll be watching exactly I always am tempted to watch either A Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone or Elf. All movies which the whole family will enjoy.

The Monday Question: Ban!

The Monday Question

Although we love cinema there are always things about films that might annoy us. So today I ask you a very simple question:
If you could ban just one thing from films today, what would you choose and why?

Personally I would ban trailers as I don’t watch them and hate having to ignore them at the cinema while I’m waiting for the movie to start. Looking forward to seeing what you would be banning.

The Monday Question: Christmas decoration!

The Monday Question

Look how quickly the year went! Only a couple of weeks and it’s Christmas time again. Yesterday I bought the Christmas tree and decorated it. One tradition we have in our house is to have the kids paint the windows. If you take some powdered chalk (with some food colouring) and water it is a nice paint (which can be removed with a clean cloth). So we are already prepared for the holidays to come. This year I decided to get into the painting game as well and as a movie blogger I had to do something movie related. So I decided to pick two of my favourite Christmas movies as inspiration, Home Alone and Elf. I will try to put up a quick how to this coming week (plus another Christmas inspired idea I had), but I was quite pleased with the result (although there always is room for improvement of course). So the window facing the street now has a screaming Kevin and Will Ferrell in his Elf costume doing a split facing people passing by.

So this week’s question:
Have you ever had movie related Christmas decorations?