Tooth Fairy (2010)

What’s up with movies in which muscled men, who have been come to be well known by their action movies, suddenly end up in a situation they don’t belong in (the fish out of water story). We have seen Vin Diesel in The Pacifier, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop and Hulk Hogan as Mr. Nanny (and proabably some other examples can be thought of). The Tooth Fairy with Dwayne Johnson (also known as the Rock) can now be added to the list.

In this family movie he plays an ice hockey player (known as the Tooth Fairy because knocks the teeth out the mouths of other players) who is not as good as he was initially when he started. He also likes to shatter the dreams kids have. Based on this it is decided that he will have to work as a real toothfairy.

The movie takes some well known movie quotes and changes them a bit to handle the theme (for example “You can’t handle the tooth”). Although they are corny it did put a smile on my face. The story is really simple, without any suprises. Actually the Tooth Fairy isn’t a very good movie (see the scores on IMDB and rotten tomatoes). Dwayne Johnson has made much better movies, but his charisma makes up a lot for the quality of the movie. That’s also the reason why i still watched this movie despite the bad scores. I knew what to expect and because of it wasn’t disappointed. This also is the explanation for my own score. If you watch the movie knowing this, i’m sure you will be able to enjoy it. Don’t expect a mindblowing movie experience, just a simple enjoyable family movie.

Score: 7

3 thoughts on “Tooth Fairy (2010)

    • I enjoyed it a lot as well. I knew what to expect from this movie and it delivered exactly that. I wouldn’t have watched it if i would have thought i would not like it.

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