Blogathon: Houdini’s Magic Ticket

Dan from Top 10 Films recently started a Blogathon about Houdini’s Magic Ticket. Funny thing is that I watched Last Action Hero last week (my review of it will be up on Friday) and was wondering the exact same thing! For those that never saw the movie, the ticket allows you to go into any movie and be part of it or take characters from a movie and take them to the real world or get them into other movies. So I had to join in on this wonderful journey of movie possibilities. What would I do? You can read it after the break!

What character would I most like to be sat next to on a plane…

Snakes on a Plane

Neville Flynn, since we are on a plane and if there is a chance of snakes being on it, I would feel safe knowing that this guy can deal with them. Plus how could would it be to see this guy swearing all the time!

What character would I most want to enjoy a passionate romance with?

Rosario Dawson Clerks 2

Now this is a very difficult one to answer as there are so many beautiful women to choose from. I saw a picture of Kelly LeBrock in another of these posts, which made me remember how hot I thought she was when I was younger, but she’s not my choice. I would have to go with Becky in Clerks 2. Reason for choosing her? Watching that movie she seems like a real spontaneous person who’s fun to be around with, plus she looks amazing.

If I were a cop who would I want as my partner?

Jack Slater

Seeing as we are talking about magic tickets here of course I have to choose Arnold Braunschweiger, ehhmm I mean Jack Slater himself. Would really be enjoying all the great one liners that I would hear all day.

What animated feature would I love to walk around in?

My Neighbour Totoro

This is a very easy one to pick as I would love to take a ride on the cat bus, so it’s My Neighbour Totoro. Plus it would be great to have a nap on Totoro’s belly.

What adventure based on earth would I most like to go on?

I would immediately sign up for any journey Indiana Jones has planned. Saw Raiders of the Lost Ark at the cinema this past weekend and I wouldn’t mind exploring and fighting besides him.

What adventure based in an otherworldly, fantasy-based location would I most like to go on?

This is a difficult choice as I’m a big fan of science fiction movies. I was thinking about Total Recall, but you can discuss whether or not that takes place on a fantasy-based location. I’ll skip some of the more obvious ones (which will I come back to when we looking at movie locations) and go for the world of Riddick. It might not be the most friendly of places, but if you want to have an adventure I’m certain this world would deliver.

What movie gadget would I love to try out (or steal)?


Without a doubt I would go for the DeLorean, if only to travel to the future to get my hoverboard. As a big gadget fan I would love to find out what the latest technology could do and if it was already possible to upload your brain into a computer, basically allowing yourself to live forever.

What film’s plot would I alter and how would I do it?

Dolph Lundgren
First I would need to get some characters together to take them with me into another movie and make it better. I’d get both the T-1000 and the T-800 who would have been programmed to work together. Next stop would be Universal Soldier to get the GR44 and GR13 (see where this is going?), Driver from the movie Faster and Xander Cage from Xxx and take them all into the movie Skyline. They would first wipe out the people in the apartment and then actually take on the aliens and beat them.

What one film would I most want to be transported into, simply to be a part of that world?
I did a post on this a while ago, my top 10 movie locations I would like to live for a week.

So what would you be doing if you had Houdini’s magic ticket? If you have already joined the blogathon you can leave the link to your answers in the comments as well.

29 thoughts on “Blogathon: Houdini’s Magic Ticket

  1. Totoro is a great option!! I also answered a Ghibli animation.I would love to walk inside ANY Ghibli animation. riding on the cat would be unforgettable moment.

    I think you’re the second one who want to steal Delorean 😉

    • Yeah, they manage to create amazing worlds, so would be cool with other Ghibli worlds as well.

      Only thing I’m afraid of is I had the Delorean is that I would probably end up being a bit like Biff, it’s very easy to make money once you have that machine.

  2. Pingback: Blogathon: Houdini’s Magic Ticket » Top 10 Films – Film Lists, Reviews, News & Opinion

  3. Samuel L Jackson would be a good one for a plane journey – you’d feel safe plus he’d make great conversation.

    Indiana Jones is a great adventure to go on, which ever film you choose.

    What a great picture of the DeLoreon – It has to be one of the best movie gadgets ever.

    Ouch – Skyline has taken a battering. I love the idea of bringing those characters together.

  4. Fun answers, Nostra, glad you decided to take part. Somehow I knew you’d go with Indy as you’ve just seen Raiders on the big screen. I’m afraid I’d be no good in such an adventure, but w/ Harrison by my side, I’d definitely consider it 🙂

  5. Love your choice for the plane question. Even though there were no snakes on the plane, I would make him say the line just to hear him say it. No one says “fuck” the way Samuel L. Jackson does no matter what film he is in.

  6. That’s a pretty unique choice for a world to visit – the world of Riddick. It just seems too dark and violent for my liking; isn’t it weird that most of us pick pretty safe and fantastical places to visit, instead of somewhere a little darker. It’d be like saying I’d like to wander the beaches of Normandy on D-day….

      • Assuming you’re one of the heroes? Pretty big assumption seeing as how you’re gonna be up against Mr Diesel himself! LOL!! 😉 Might get a bit of an ass-kicking though!

        Nah, I just never found the Riddick world to be that enticing to visit – call me a little generic, but I think I prefer my Middle Earth to Pitch Black etc…

    • You are right Castor, the possibilities of it are just endless. Of course you could also go for the magic lamp in Aladdin and just wish for an unlimited amount of wishes 😉

  7. That is a SICK picture of the DeLorean!! i like!

    Okay, I wouldn’t mind be a part of your Skyline! It, at least, would be FAR more interesting than the horrible disappointment of the original! hahaha.

    Glad to see another vote for Raiders of the Lost Ark! Props!!

    Fun Answers man! -T

    • Thanks, it actually was a picture of a replica that was for sale somewhere, it’s a very cool picture!

      Great to see this would convince you to enter the world of Skyline!

  8. My neighbor Totoro is an interesting pick, I haven’t watch it but it seems fun 🙂 you pick some great action heroes, so cool. That car also seem like a killer car 🙂

    • You are welcome, I hope that my version of Skyline will be out soon on a special edition DVD/Bluray 😉

      Hope you will be doing yours sometime soon as well!

  9. Good choices, Nostra! Joining Indy on an adventure would be lots and lots of fun.

    Riddick is an interesting pick – it certainly wouldn’t be friendly! Didn’t the futuristic world of Blade Runner tempt you?

  10. Pingback: Last Action Hero (1993) « My Filmviews

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