I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK (2006)

If you are even remotely familiar with Korean cinema, then I’m sure you have heard or have seen movies directed by Chan-wook Park. Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Lady Vengeance and Oldboy are all very good movies which all dealt with pretty dark subject matter. Looking at the title of this movie you might already guess that this movie is a whole different beast and you are right. It feels like a movie which could have been made by Michael Gondry as it has some of the same unique qualities.

I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK review

The story revolves about Cha Young-goon (Su-jeong Lim), who seems to have gone crazy, thinking she is a cyborg (her look kind of makes you want to believe it). While she is at work assembling radios she suddenly seems to hear different instructions and tries to plug electric cables into her arm. She survives it, but ends up in a mental institution. This allows Chan-wook Park to introduce a cast of a lot of unique characters and get into their worlds. One of these characters is Park Il-soon (Rain), who is usually is wearing a mask of some sort and becomes very interested in Cha Young-goon. As the movie progresses Park Il-soon tries to help her as much as he can.

It took me a while to get into this movie, but it won me over after a while. The characters are strange, but you get to know them and care for them even though strange things go on. Cha Young-soon for example puts her grandmothers false teeth into her mouth to allow her to talk to the vending machine or another patient has special socks which allow you to fly when you constantly keep rubbing them together while you lay down on your stomach. The mental institution where this movie takes place looks amazing with very unique use of colors.

Now this wouldn’t be a Chan-wook Park movie if there isn’t some violence and let me just say there is some which I thought looked amazing, but you will need to check out the movie yourself as I don’t want to spoil anything.

I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK feels like a modern fairytale. I like the message this movie shows about the way in which you can connect to other people and make a difference in their lives if you just believe in them. For those expecting more revenge they will be disappointed, but if you go into this with an open mind I’m sure you will enjoy it.

Score: 7


8 thoughts on “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK (2006)

  1. Sweet reveiw, I agree with all above. Loved how both actors and the director were all fighting for your attention. Thought the end was a little slow, but there was enough good stuff at the start to keep you watching. Very memorable if nothing else!

  2. It was the title of this film that grabbed and I have to say that it does sound really, really interesting. I’m not familiar with Chan-wook Park so it’s safe to say that I’d watch this with no expectations!

  3. You know, I had heard of this movie at a time when I was not into Korean films. I’ve seen the trailer and it did feel a bit odd. After reading your review, I think I might finally watch it. Good work!

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